Point & Shoot Wed… Thursday ^_^;

This is a day late… I have a feel­ing I won’t be able to keep to this blog­ging sched­ule very well… it’s been a busy week and I’m antic­i­pat­ing a busier-than-usu­al week ahead, so I prob­a­bly won’t be able to spend as much time craft­ing and post­ing as I like in the next lit­tle while… oh well.

So, any­way, there is a lilac tree (I think it’s a lilac tree… wish I were more knowl­edge­able about trees…) grow­ing out­side of our church. And the wall is start­ing to be slow­ly blan­ket­ed by vines…

This is for all of my loved ones who like purple :)

Have a won­der­ful weekend!

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