Favourite-things Sunday!

Acorns! ♥

I love acorns. They just look so cute with their caps.

The only thing more cute would prob­a­bly be small cakes shaped like acorns, made with this acorn cake pan I saw on The Kitchn. And the pan itself is shaped like an acorn!

$36 at Williams-Sono­ma… yikes.

So! For a much more afford­able (and equal­ly, if not more cute!) ver­sion of acorn treats, check out this Acorn Love recipe from Lip­stick and Laun­dry! :D

They’re made with Her­shey’s Kiss­es and mini Nil­la wafers! Isn’t that such a bril­liant idea? I’m total­ly mak­ing these for Thanks­giv­ing family/friends get-togeth­ers this year :D

And recent­ly I’ve come across these mag­i­cal acorns at Lil Fish Stu­dios.

They’re just the coolest things — the nat­ur­al acorn caps are paint­ed with met­al paint, which means that they will con­tin­u­ous­ly rust and change colours! It would be such a cool process to watch. And the felt­ed wool is so colour­ful and warm and lush. I love felt.

On a side note, while search­ing for the actu­al link for the acorns with met­al caps, I stum­bled upon an acorn tuto­r­i­al, also by Lil Fish Studio.

Mush­rooms! Also my favourite things, and made with acorn caps! Have got to make myself some of those some­times… I think they would look so sweet in a mason jar ter­rar­i­um. Sum­mer­time is the best time for long walks in the park and to col­lect things like acorn caps and twigs :D

And of course, can­not for­get about this amigu­ru­mi acorn I saw a while ago from Plan­et June.

With remov­able caps! How awe­some is that? It’s a free pat­tern too! I was so excit­ed when I first saw it and made one imme­di­ate­ly… that was almost 2 years ago. I want­ed to make an acorn that’s sim­i­lar in size to an actu­al acorn, so I used the pat­tern as a guide for the gen­er­al struc­ture of it but made it much small­er with few­er stitch­es around. I also did­n’t have brown yarn and round beads for eyes at the time so the acorn is yel­low and his eyes are made of french knots…

I think the bumpy cro­chet tex­ture is quite per­fect for an acorn cap. And I thought it would make such a love­ly fuzzy acorn if I cro­chet the cap and nee­dle-felt the rest. I’m sure it’s been done before, but I had been want­i­ng to try that myself for a long time and final­ly I got around to it a cou­ple of nights ago…

I quite like it :) But maybe I will try a thin­ner yarn and small hook next time. And maybe use tan for the cap instead of brown?

And final­ly, accord­ing to Wikipedia:

“Acorns appear only on adult trees, and thus are often a sym­bol of patience and the fruition of long, hard labor.”

Patience, that’s some­thing I need right now.

And I think just the fact that a mighty oak is grown from a small, sin­gle acorn is a mir­a­cle in itself.

That reminds me of a quote by David Icke — def­i­nite­ly skep­ti­cal about his views but this quote is one of my favourites:

Today’s mighty oak is just yes­ter­day’s nut that held its ground.

Have a love­ly week!

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