Point & Shoot Wednesday

I took this pic­ture last spring. It’s one of my favourite pictures.

Today was rainy and grey. On rainy and grey days I often like to pre­tend that I’m in Eng­land or Ire­land. I’ve always want­ed to vis­it Ire­land and see if there are real­ly sheep every­where like in tourism pictures.

Here’s a rainy and grey pic­ture I also took last year, from my bal­cony, after a storm. The yel­low glow in the atmos­phere is just incred­i­ble. Also one of my favourites.

Here’s anoth­er one tak­en from my bal­cony, through my green stained glass sun catcher.

I’ve been want­i­ng to get a Diana cam­era for a long time, but did­n’t want to spend the mon­ey for it. This was an exper­i­ment. Basi­cal­ly I placed a green stained glass sun catch­er over the lens of my point & shoot and clicked. I real­ly liked the result — melty and acci­den­tal and dream-like and I espe­cial­ly like the blue in the sky. I might even print that one day. Def­i­nite­ly one of my favourites.

And then there is one of my favourite places on earth (and I haven’t been to many places on earth) — Nova Sco­tia! The smell of salt water and the humid ocean breeze just feel like home to me (I guess it has to do with my grow­ing up on an island sur­round­ed by ocean — even though I’m ter­ri­fied of deep water and I can’t swim). The trees there have these lichens and moss-like veg­e­ta­tion grow­ing all over them. The woods felt mag­i­cal and I was absolute­ly enchant­ed. This pic­ture was tak­en at a place called The Fish­er­man’s Life Muse­um.

And today I’m lament­ing the fact that Mike and I are miss­ing the fab­u­lous wed­ding of a total­ly cool cou­ple in the East Coasts this week­end! I can only send them wish­es for the bestest things in the world as they enter a new chap­ter of life togeth­er :D And look for­ward to pho­tos tak­en by Face­book friends :P

So this post has turned into a bit of a review of my favourite pic­tures tak­en over the past few years. It all start­ed with me try­ing to find a pic­ture of an amigu­ru­mi grim reaper that my friend and I made a while ago. I still can’t find that pic­ture, and the lit­tle reaper is stolen :(

But, any­way, this review of favourite pic­tures is fun! I should do it again :)


One thought on “Point & Shoot Wednesday

  1. accord­ing to some­one in my cre­ative writ­ing class, the sheep in ire­land have spray-paint­ed num­bers on them. like them ser­ta sheep.

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