Chuck and Robin

Meet Chuck. He’s a sparrow.

He’s called Chuck because of the pat­tern on his chest, you see.

And now, let me intro­duce Robin.

Robin is a very friend­ly robin.

One day, Chuck and Robin ran into each oth­er on their evening walk. (Here’s a wor­m’s eye view of their encounter…)

And they got into a long con­ver­sa­tion about the best berry bush­es in the neigh­bour­hood. (Here’s a bird’s eye view of their conversation…)

They dis­cov­ered that they have so much in com­mon, they became BBF! (Best Bird Friends)

One LKF (Lit­tle known fact) about Chuck and Robin, is that they’re stuffed with this syn­thet­ic sponge mate­r­i­al that I har­vest­ed from the pack­ag­ing for a watch. The sponge mate­r­i­al was made into a box shape orig­i­nal­ly, which I cut into bits.

I’m try­ing to avoid buy­ing Poly­ester stuff­ing as much as pos­si­ble, as I real­ize that there are lots of things around the house that can poten­tial­ly be used as stuff­ing. I’ve been using the cot­ton balls that my par­ents used to sell in their con­ve­nient store over 10 years ago. What else could you use 10+ year-old cot­ton balls in an unsealed plas­tic bag for? They’re the per­fect size for my small fridge mag­nets. And also the t‑shirts that are too old and rat­ty for donat­ing. I also plan to shred those and stuff plush­es with them.

Last but not least, I made Chuck and Robin fol­low­ing this pat­tern on Roman Sock. Check out all the cute crit­ters on the blog! Espe­cial­ly the Ulti­mate Squir­rel. I’d love to make an Ulti­mate Squir­rel one day…

Have a hap­py Tuesday!

14 thoughts on “Chuck and Robin

  1. Things are look­ing bet­ter all the time on the blog Trish! I real­ly enjoy read­ing it and keep try­ing to pro­mote it in my read­er. Just thought I would com­ment and say great work.

  2. I like your resourcefulness!

    btw, I dis­cov­ered nice ideas for unwant­ed nail polish:

    1. “var­nish” or dec­o­rate small wood­en items (eg.IKEA frames)

    2. dec­o­rate and accent run­ning shoes. I used sil­ver-blue np yes­ter­day to cov­er up a ghast­ly streak of green on my run­ners that I got on sale :)

    see ya!

  3. thanks dan! :D i’m hap­py to know that peo­ple are read­ing… some­times i won­der if i’m just talk­ing to myself most of the time… 

  4. I think you do great work too. I think that I like the birds more than the ” ulti­mate squirrel”.

  5. hel­lo! the mod­er­a­tor here! thank you for com­ment­ing! the ulti­mate squir­rel reminds me of ham­my in over the hedge! :D

  6. Every time I am amazed by your super-duper creativity =)
    Keep up the good work.

  7. the birds are SO FLUFFY!!! XD
    ulti­mate squir­rel looks kin­da aggres­sive though. like them york squir­rels… look­ing for­ward to see­ing it in real life though (cro­cheted ulti­mate squir­rel, not york squir­rel)! ^o^

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