Tourist for a couple of hours

Need­ed to buy cro­chet hooks for work­shop tomor­row. Was ridicu­lous­ly hap­py after I found cro­chet hooks for $1 each, and the weath­er was just bliss­ful, so I decid­ed to wan­der about on the streets for a bit.

Saw racks of bikes for rent, by the hap­pi­ly bloom­ing planters!

Large paint­ed ice cream sign :D

HUGE flow­ers in the park!

And check­ing out the sweet sou­venirs when I got home — free­stone Ontario peach­es! :D

I also vis­it­ed Out­er­lay­er and Grass­roots. Real­ly friend­ly stores with real­ly inter­est­ing things to look at.

When I go away to oth­er towns or city for vaca­tion I always find every­thing inter­est­ing and I take pic­tures of every­thing. But there are prob­a­bly sim­i­lar­ly inter­est­ing or even more inter­est­ing things in the city I call home. I just don’t real­ly look at them because I see them everyday.

So, any­way. Being a tourist in the city for a cou­ple of hours was a refresh­ing expe­ri­ence. I’m look­ing for­ward to a week­end of craft­ing, and maybe even a fes­ti­val or two!

Have a fab­u­lous weekend!