weekend crafting

This week­end was a busy one! We did some long-over­due clean­ing and orga­niz­ing of the apart­ment, and I final­ly cleaned up my “craft cor­ner” (i.e. one third of the couch and cof­fee table) after a fren­zy of craft­ing last week in prepa­ra­tion for the open­ing of the shop. And what do I choose to do after all that clean­ing and orga­niz­ing? More craft­ing, of course! :D

I was think­ing today that it’s almost mit­ten sea­son, but not quite. So some fin­ger­less mitts would be per­fect, for fall and also for tak­ing out­door pic­tures in win­ter! (I can sure­ly remem­ber how painful­ly cold my hands were after an hour of pic­ture-tak­ing at the San­ta Claus parade last year.)

I saw this grey owl sweater on nee­dled quite a while ago and real­ly loved it. So I bought the pat­tern, hop­ing that one day I will over­come my fear of cir­cu­lar nee­dles and knit­ting cables and actu­al­ly be able to make this. Mean­while, I found this owl fin­ger­less mitts pat­tern on Rav­el­ry — and it’s a free down­load! (Though one needs to sign up to access it) They’re real­ly quick to make and I got both mitts fin­ished with eyes sewn and every­thing with­in 3 hours (I think look­ing for the per­fect, iri­des­cent but­tons for eyes took the longest).

I’m real­ly rather hap­py with them :D Per­haps I’ll bring them along when I go out tomorrow!

Well, I bet­ter go put away the scrap yarn and cro­chet hooks on the cof­fee table before my “craft cor­ner” starts to spread like weed again…

Have a great week ahead, every­one! :D

7 thoughts on “weekend crafting

  1. Very cute! Though the sec­ond pic­ture reminds me of the creepy guy with eyes in his hands from Pan’s labyrinth… but if you haven’t seen it, I would­n’t rec­om­mend it because its real­ly creepy!

  2. These are so cute! … I had to make some, too!

    BTW … I real­ly enjoy your blog!
    I think I stum­bled across it through Rav­el­ry. Gawd, I love that site …

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