the travelling zumi

Final­ly got around to upload­ing pic­tures to Flickr — feel free to vis­it! :D They’re all pic­tures from the Zumi. Some I have post­ed here but there were a lot that I did­n’t post but would love to share, like the one above. It’s so claus­tro­pho­bic yet strange­ly attrac­tive. At least I find it attractive.

(oooh, I just real­ized how until Jan­u­ary snow will be falling on this pic­ture, and how bizarre it would look because it nev­er snows in Hong Kong!)

There was a lot of exper­i­men­ta­tion, tak­ing pic­tures of the same scene with dif­fer­ent angles. Because often with the Zumi the over­all tonal val­ue of the pic­ture would change even when the angle is only a slight bit dif­fer­ent. So it was real­ly fun to see what it comes up with. There’s also no viewfind­er so I could­n’t see what I was tak­ing a pic­ture of. That’s why major­i­ty of the pic­tures are slant­ed. I might fix them later.

Feel free to vis­it the Hong Kong set here and the Malaysia set here :D