quick afternoon

The to-do list start­ed to grow as we approach the week­end. One of the to-do items is mak­ing a hat for my aunt, who want­ed a gift for her friend’s new­born baby. She request­ed it after see­ing this on a Zeller’s flyer.

It’s a knit hat, and I don’t have much time before deliv­er­ing it to her this week­end, so I was look­ing for a cro­chet pat­tern — because it would be much quick­er for me to cro­chet than to knit, and because I’m not famil­iar with infant head-sizes.

Ini­tial­ly I was just search­ing on Rav­el­ry for a plain infant hat pat­tern, but then I came across this pat­tern on Stitch Tac Sew (web­site no longer avail­able :( when checked again in July 2012) that looks exact­ly like the knit hat on the fly­er, except it’s cro­chet! :D It’s free (score!) and involves using a large hook (dou­ble-score!)! I’ve been look­ing for projects to put my 16mm hook to good use.

I cro­cheted with 4 strands of yarn held togeth­er, main­ly the bulky, wool­ly sort. My aunt sug­gest­ed using pink and white. The hat only took 5 rows to com­plete. I was also delight­ed to see a tuto­r­i­al on how to make pom­poms with­out a pom­pom mak­er on the same blog, because I don’t have a pom­pom maker.

And so, here’s the hat! :D


I like the yarn com­bi­na­tion, it reminds me of straw­ber­ries and cream.

And I hope the small per­son who is receiv­ing this hat will like it too.

So with this project and laun­dry and the fin­ish­ing-up of anoth­er piece of art­work that’s been hiber­nat­ing for weeks, the after­noon went by quick­ly. I will now go make sup­per. Thank you for vis­it­ing, and have a great evening!

6 thoughts on “quick afternoon

  1. Hel­lo! I love how your hat’s turned out, the straw­ber­ry and cream yarn com­bo looks fantastic!

    I want to make this for my sis­ter’s new­born, but the links are dead, is there any way you can share the pat­tern with me? My niece and I will love you for it! :)

    Thank you!

  2. thank you, naksha­tra! unfor­tu­nate­ly i did­n’t copy down the pat­tern, so i no longer have access to it nei­ther. thank you for point­ing out that the link is dead, i’ll edit the post. i’m pret­ty sure there is some­thing sim­i­lar to this on Rav­el­ry (http://www.ravelry.com/) if you search “new­born hat”. hope that helps!

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