syrup festival!

We caught the last week­end of maple syrup fes­ti­val on Sat­ur­day :D It was­n’t cold enough to driz­zle maple syrup on the snow and eat it on a stick (there was no snow), but all in all we had a love­ly time.

There was a very busy-look­ing sheep in the pet­ting zoo…


And a beau­ti­ful lla­ma, one of my favourite ani­mals on earth.


I tried to take a pic­ture of the rab­bit, but the crazed chick­en butted in front of the camera.


Beside the crazed chick­ens was a thought­ful don­key, schem­ing syrup monopolization.


There were sap-col­lect­ing buck­ets on many of the trees in the area, but the tour guide told us that met­al buck­ets are no longer used for com­mer­cial maple syrup pro­duc­tion. Plas­tic pipes are the tool of choice. But it was fun to check each buck­et and see how full they were as we strolled by.


Sap drip­ping into buck­et. Appar­ent­ly, tree sap tastes pret­ty much like water, and has only 3–5% of sug­ar con­tent. So to make one buck­et of maple syrup one would need to boil down 40 buck­ets of sap.

I must admit, I enjoy maple syrup on pan­cakes much bet­ter than on its own, but I def­i­nite­ly have a bet­ter appre­ci­a­tion for maple syrup by the end of the tour.

Have a ter­rif­ic start to your week! Cheers!