favourite things friday

It is offi­cial­ly sum­mer! I’m going to look out for those super sun­ny cloud­less days to try out this sun print tech­nique — with­out the use of a sun print kit or pho­to paper, just fab­ric, and fab­ric paint! Isn’t the result just mar­velous? How-to on Mary & Patch.


More fab­ric colour­ing mag­ic from Shirin, Hand­made, with instruc­tion for tie-dying using just turmer­ic, pur­ple cab­bage, black tea, and beets! I love the bright shade of yel­low from the turmer­ic, and the tiered design of this shirt!


More tie-dye with stuff one could eas­i­ly find at home — Sharpies! It’s kind of expen­sive, but I’ve always want­ed to get a full set of colour Sharpies. Maybe I’ll get it for myself for my birth­day… and I will make a tie-dye t‑shirt with them! :D How-to on Crap I’ve Made.


More from Crap I’ve Made (the stuff on there is def­i­nite­ly not crap) — I’ve been look­ing for a sim­ple way to make a high wast­ed skirt, and this seems sim­ple enough, with no shirring involved (but it looks kind of like it’s shirred, which I like very much). The tuto­r­i­al is writ­ten to make an old­er child-size skirt, but I’m sure it would be easy enough to mod­i­fy to fit an adult (espe­cial­ly a short adult, like me :D).


I love gar­ments with sim­ple con­struc­tion, and this is just a rec­tan­gu­lar piece of fab­ric fold­ed in half, seamed togeth­er at the shoul­ders and one side, with the arm­holes and neck­lines cut out. I have a large piece of blue pol­ka dot fab­ric, I might try it out! :D Instruc­tion on Amelie and Atti­cus.


Fan­cy a cup of tea? Invite the neigh­bour­hood birds to your tea par­ty with this teacup bird feed­er! :D How-to on Inti­mate Wed­dings.


Cool coast­ers made with soda cans and plain white tiles! I do like the colour­ful designs of some soda cans (or pop cans, as we Cana­di­ans call it :D); it would be a great way to keep pop cans that we don’t get local­ly, like birch beer. Instruc­tion on The Idea Room.


A great way to recy­cle and dec­o­rate! Box lid frames from Art­ful Adven­tures. Per­haps also a great way to make shad­ow box­es, with 3‑dimensional objects, like seashells and acorns! :D


More fram­ing! This time with an old Scrab­ble set. I love how one can spell out words with the Scrab­ble tiles. How-to on Pho­to­jo­jo.


This is how every pair of jeans should be repaired. From The Evo­lu­tion of Home.


I’ve actu­al­ly nev­er tried mak­ing things with Per­ler beads, but I know they sell large jars of them at Ikea — must pick up a jar on our next trip! I need some of these gar­den mark­ers in my house­plants :D How-to on Small­go­od Hearth.


These ink bub­ble draw­ings are mes­mer­iz­ing. See the whole gallery of them on Fubiz.


And guess what? You can make your own mar­bleized draw­ings with just food colour­ing and veg­etable oil! How-to on Mom­tas­tic.


These bril­liant hous­es are made from old quilts. Sim­ply pre­cious and very inspir­ing. I just want to hold them in my hands. From Grrl+dog. They’re avail­able from this Etsy shop.


A dif­fer­ent kind of embroi­dery and a dif­fer­ent kind of awe­some. This reminds me so much of Chuck Close’ work. Embroi­dered por­traits by Daniel Korn­strumpf. (via Swiss­miss)

Hap­py Friday!

6 thoughts on “favourite things friday

  1. Once again, you have some great links but I espe­cial­ly love the sun prints! Look­ing for­ward to see­ing your attempts at this cool project. Enjoy the sun­shine; we are hav­ing anoth­er cloudy day here :-(.

  2. def­i­nite­ly not crap, I wish I thought of these myself :S. The Sharpie tie dye is giv­ing me some ideas…

  3. thank you! just wait­ing for some sun­ny days for the sun prints! we’ve had some seri­ous rainy weath­er in the past few days…

  4. your gar­den mark­ers are bril­liant! i’m so going to make some once i get my hands on some per­ler beads! :D thank you for visiting!

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