royal mail! :D

I par­tic­i­pat­ed in a plush swap recent­ly (to find out more about future swaps see this Face­book page) and my swap arrived from the UK, via Roy­al Mail! :D I always feel extra spe­cial when I receive mail from the UK and it says Roy­al Mail with the Queen on it :D

I was so so so excit­ed so I feel com­pelled to take step-by-step unbox­ing pho­tos… it was wrapped in this super cute cloud tis­sue paper, with a pol­ka dot pink rib­bon, and a real­ly nice note :D

And it was… it was a plush ice cream cone!!! It’s total­ly some­thing I would have on my favourite / wish list on Etsy, some­thing I would total­ly buy if mon­ey isn’t an issue. It’s just what I always want­ed — a large felt plush dessert! It’s going to live on the couch with Fil­bert the Choco­cat! :D

I love, love, love the drip­ping caramel sauce and the stitch­ing on the cone! And check out the choco­late cook­ie roll and the pink mousse top­ping! :D

My swap part­ner even sent a toast­er charm with the pack­age! I wear it as a necklace. 

Ice cream hug!! XD (it was­n’t inten­tion­al but my “keep calm and car­ry yarn” post­card in the back­ground is quite fit­ting here :D)

I feel so spoiled by my swap part­ner — some­one I’ve actu­al­ly nev­er met in per­son! I’m so thank­ful for her gen­eros­i­ty and kind­ness, and I feel so very spe­cial receiv­ing the pack­age — what a gift it is! Think­ing about it has put a sil­ly grin on my face for the past few days.

I live in a met­ro­pol­i­tan city that is not known for the friend­li­ness or cour­tesy of its peo­ple. So when­ev­er a stranger offers a help­ing hand or a kind remark or even a smile it total­ly makes my day. 

No words can ful­ly express how grate­ful I am and how much the plush means to me. Thank you so much, Kate! :D

Tomor­row I’m going to show you what I sent over­seas for the swap, hope­ful­ly. I say hope­ful­ly because our inter­net con­nec­tion has been spot­ty. But the cable guy is com­ing to check things out tomor­row so I’m hop­ing that it will return to nor­mal shortly!

Hap­py Mon­day! :D

6 thoughts on “royal mail! :D

  1. I promise you Roy­al Mail isn’t all it’s cracked up to be!! Haha

    So glad you liked them!! Al sends his love x

  2. haha, every time i see the Roy­al Mail stamp i always think it’s been blessed by the queen or some­thing :P

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