weekend wonders

A bunch of pho­tos from the past few week­ends! :D

Two weeks ago we took a mini vaca­tion to Mike’s home­town. We took the Grey­hound. Here we were on the bus. Mike was­n’t nod­ding off, he was con­cen­trat­ing on Angry Birds.


We spent some time on the beach. Mike was look­ing for some stones to skip.


I found a bunch of chick­en wire cov­ered in some kind of seaweed.


The stones were amaz­ing, all dif­fer­ent colours. This one is half-toned.


Lots of them have fos­silized shells or corals embed­ded in them. Fascinating.


More stones, this time with a piece of beach glass in the mix.


At a dif­fer­ent beach, I found large pieces of con­crete scat­tered under­wa­ter, like an under­wa­ter ruin of a city. Also fas­ci­nat­ing. (I heard there’s actu­al­ly a ship­wreck in the lake near­by! Must check it out next time.)


And on the shore, large piles of con­crete pieces! Like an ancient ruin… except they’re mod­ern pieces of con­crete. Which reminds me of that show that I real­ly liked to watch, Life After Peo­ple.


We were also going to a wed­ding that week­end. So in between cer­e­mo­ny and recep­tion, we had some time. We heard that there is a cer­tain British store near­by, so we went there hop­ing for some after­noon tea. But they were clos­ing just as we got there, so we had to leave, but not before pur­chas­ing some clot­ted cream! :D And it was clot­ted cream, not Devons cream (though I don’t real­ly know what the dif­fer­ence is). We stopped by the gro­cery store for some scone and made after­noon tea at home. I’m con­vinced that if heav­en serves break­fast it would taste like clot­ted cream.


A tiny yel­low flower I saw on our way somewhere. 


Fast for­ward to this past week­end, I found peri­win­kles all bloom­ing in the park by our build­ing! :D


And I saw these in some­one’s front yard — sweet peas! :D


Have a hap­py Wednes­day, every­one! :D

2 thoughts on “weekend wonders

  1. so great! thank you! i might try to make my own scones one day. the ones we bought from the store just crum­ble all over the place when i try to spread the clot­ted cream on.

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