awesome finds of the week (guest post)

 Hel­lo every­one! I’ve talked about a pos­si­ble guest post com­ing up… and here it is! Writ­ten by my awe­some hus­band Mike, who is a tal­ent­ed graph­ic design­er ded­i­cat­ed to mak­ing the world a more awe­some place through arts and design. He’s com­piled quite a few awe­some things from the past weeks to share with you, hope you enjoy them as much as I do! :D


 I’ve been fol­low­ing Lila Symon’s Dai­ly Cal­lig­ra­phy blog for some time now. Her cre­ative let­ter­ing and inspir­ing words are always clever and fun.



These paper roll por­traits for Con­queror Paper by Anant Nan­vare are sim­ply breath­tak­ing. (Speak­ing of Con­quer­er, they also com­mis­sioned a series of 5 type­faces by the ever skill­ful Jean Fran­cois Porchez sev­er­al years ago. Amaz­ing­ly, the fonts are avail­able for free.) via Inspire Me Now.



Doyle Part­ners used blue painters tape to cre­ate a larg­er than life cov­er for the New York Times mag­a­zine. The Times has a time-lapse video of the instal­la­tion. via Quip­solo­gies.



I just about fell out of my chair when I saw this. I nev­er gave much thought to the shapes and colours of Apple’s text mes­sag­ing app until now. Pure genius. How does this per­son not have friends? Orig­i­nal­ly post­ed on i am your cana­di­an boyfriend.



This post from Fast Com­pa­ny was the one of the orig­i­nal rea­sons I want­ed to do a guest post actu­al­ly. I love every­thing about this. It’s bright, whim­si­cal, and accord­ing to the arti­cle, has “a love­ly flu­id­i­ty to the piece, allow­ing it to move ever so slight­ly depend­ing on move­ment near­by”. The struc­tures are made from small­er ‘bricks’ con­struct­ed only out of post it notes. No glue was used in the mak­ing of these tow­ers. More pic­tures here.



If tow­ers aren’t your thing, you can always play Tetris with your sticky notes. via Quip­solo­gies.



Blog­TO (one of my favourite blogs) has a won­der­ful col­lec­tion of old and new pho­to mashups of our fine city. It’s a shame there’s no pic­tures of the dis­tillery dis­trict, a mashup of the work­ing dis­tillery of the past and today’s cafés and art gal­leries would have been fun. via Blog­TO



Sage advice from Anna Jones of Anna’s blog chron­i­cles how she went on a spend­ing fast (and lat­er a spend­ing diet) and ulti­mate­ly paid off $23,000 worth of debt. My favourite thing about her blog, oth­er than all her fun pic­tures, is the fact that she’s not a very fru­gal per­son to begin with. Read­ing about her strug­gle to resist buy­ing friv­o­lous things gives me hope.



As you might have guessed, Trish and I are big Angry Birds fans. They’ve been adding a new mid-autumn fes­ti­val — or moon­cake fes­ti­val as they call it — themed comics every day to their web­site. Awe­some! via



Last­ly, since Pin­ter­est is one of Trish’s favourite new web­sites, I thought I would link to a graph­ic design arti­cle on the cre­ation of the Pin­ter­est logo­type. Just a glimpse into the effort that goes into seem­ing­ly sim­ple brand­ing projects. via The Case and Point.

Thanks for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to share some awe­some finds with you all. Cheers!



2 thoughts on “awesome finds of the week (guest post)

  1. Trish! I love the iphone bit you post­ed. I also love the sound it makes when­ev­er a mes­sage is received/sent! I do also wish there are pho­tographs of dis­till­ry then+ now. let me know when you come across them!

  2. good job mike! :D
    the mashup pic­tures are so cool.….:) and the tetris sticky-notes is like some­thing lud would like too~

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