weekend wonders


This past week­end we went to quaint and pic­turesque Glen Williams for our friends’ wed­ding. The weath­er was beau­ti­ful, and the church has a mag­nif­i­cent gar­den with a riv­er flow­ing behind the backyard. 



Inside the church, pails of hydrangeas tied to the pews. (the pails of hydrangeas were lat­er clev­er­ly play the role of cen­ter­pieces at the recep­tion :D)


After­noon tea after the cer­e­mo­ny, with iced tea and pink lemon­ade in very cool-look­ing dispensers!


Then we began the scenic dri­ve to the recep­tion on the farm. But before we left we encoun­tered the fuzzi­est cater­pil­lar try­ing to cross the dri­ve­way. We walked with it, part­ly to cheer it on (okay, I cheered it on) but main­ly to stand around it so cars would­n’t run it over. It made it safe­ly to the grass :D


There was a lot of time to kill between cer­e­mo­ny and recep­tion, so I brought my school read­ings (what a killjoy I am >_<) and tried to find a cafe to sit down. But the only cafe-like place was a bak­ery with a front porch. So we asked if we could sit on the front porch and the own­er said it was okay. That was where we met the fluffi­est cat. He put his front paws on the side table where we put our teas as though he was going to drink from one of the cups. While I was delight­ed by our mutu­al fond­ness of tea, I was­n’t so ready to share my tea with him. He was growl­ing in protest.


Final­ly we arrived at the farm where the recep­tion was held, and the air smelled of lavender.


There were lot of apple trees and lots of small apples fall­en on the ground. And my sis­ter remind­ed me that those flow­ers behind me are Autumn Joy :D

There were old books and bunting and tea lights in mason jars, which togeth­er looked like they came out of a mag­a­zine spread fea­tur­ing a hand­made wed­ding! But more than the sum of its parts, it was the thought­ful­ness and cre­ativ­i­ty and the deep love between two won­der­ful peo­ple that made the wed­ding such a heart­felt cel­e­bra­tion. I felt very priv­i­leged to be a part of it.


Wish­ing you a love­ly week­end ahead! 



2 thoughts on “weekend wonders

  1. thanks amy! i wish i could give him a bowl of milk… felt bad sit­ting there drink­ing tea and not giv­ing him any :(

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