candy apple continued


I decid­ed to add a hood to the can­dy apple infin­i­ty scarf I made ear­li­er in the fall because the weath­er start­ed to get cold enough that I need­ed to wear hats but I could­n’t find a hat to match the scarf.

I sewed but­tons to the hood so it’s detach­able. The larg­er gaps between the stitch­es in the scarf act as but­ton holes.


What the hood looks like with­out scarf… 


It was just a long rec­tan­gle fold­ed in half, then sewn on one side. I used the same star stitch pat­tern and start­ed with 51 ch, then fol­lowed the pat­tern until the piece was about 8 inch­es tall.


Side view…


I wore it to the Christ­mas mar­ket at the Dis­tillery! :D


Kind of like a giant space hel­met worn on top of my coat… but it’s mer­ry and bright! :D

Have a love­ly Wednesday!



2 thoughts on “candy apple continued

  1. :D
    i used to call it a “harf”, but then i looked up the word and found out that it meant some­thing else… “scood­ie” is a good word! :D

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