happy groundhog day! :D

And the Cana­di­an ground­hogs fore­cast an ear­ly spring! :D

Ground­hog at home is already get­ting into spring spirit! 

If you’d like to cro­chet a ground­hog to cel­e­brate ground­hog’s day and the upcom­ing spring, here’s a quick tiny ground­hog plush pat­tern I wrote up last year :D

On a sep­a­rate note, yes­ter­day I final­ly vis­it­ed Let­tuce Knit, a local friend­ly yarn shop :D 


Does­n’t every­thing looks so cozy and amaz­ing? All the colours, a much need­ed anti­dote to a grey drea­ry win­ter day. I was just brows­ing and check­ing out what’s there, but will def­i­nite­ly go back just to knit for an after­noon with friends!

Hope your ground­hog day was lovely!


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