recent adventures in cooking

My most fre­quent­ly cooked foods are rice (in a rice cook­er), instant noo­dles, fried eggs, chili, and Chi­nese greens (in the microwave). Need­less to say, my inter­est and skills in cook­ing are lim­it­ed. So when Mike and I try out new dish­es it’s very excit­ing :D

Like these avo­ca­do and brie sandwiches!


And but­ter pork! After going out for Indi­an food a cou­ple of weeks ago we want­ed to try mak­ing but­ter chick­en our­selves. So we bought a bot­tle of but­ter chick­en sauce. But we did­n’t have chick­en. So we cooked it with pork because that was what we had in the fridge. It still tast­ed quite good! We even added mush­rooms to it :D


Have a fab­u­lous Tuesday!