sewing frenzy, episode honest ed!

Before show­ing you the blous­es and skirt I made, this is the place where I got the fabric.

Hon­est Ed’s! If you’re ever in Toron­to, be sure to vis­it Hon­est Ed’s, it’s one of the most awe­some places on my list! An old-fash­ioned dis­count store that sells pret­ty much every­thing. AND! All the signs in the store are still hand-paint­ed! It also has the most bizarre dec­o­ra­tions. This giant one-eyed zom­bie elk clock is locat­ed between house­ware and menswear. 

Any­hoo, I saw this tuto­r­i­al for mak­ing a blouse with scarves, so I wan­dered into Hon­est Ed’s with the inten­tion of find­ing scarves. They did­n’t have a wide selec­tion that fits what I’m look­ing for, but then I spot­ted the ban­danas! Loved the pat­tern on them, and they were 50¢ a piece. I thought if I stitch two togeth­er I would have just enough fab­ric to make a square top! :D


I like that there are brown stripes down the sides and at the shoul­der seams.


Also goes with my magen­ta cardi­gan! :D (And it looks much bet­ter when I ask some­one else to take full-length pic­tures of me. Look, I can even hold a plant as a prop.)


I did get two scarves to make a blouse from the tuto­r­i­al, but the scarves I bought were much wider than the ones in the tuto­r­i­al, so the blouse is very flut­tery :D


And then I bought more ban­danas to make a skirt! Basi­cal­ly I sewed 3 ban­danas togeth­er into a very wide tube. Then I made anoth­er fab­ric tube that was the same width but a bit short­er with some white light weight fab­ric left­over from an Ikea cur­tain for a lin­ing. I sewed the two tubes togeth­er along the top edge, then fold­ed down the top edge to make a cas­ing for elas­tic. And that is all :D 


The top I made last sum­mer from a men’s shirt.

Over the week­end my mom gave me a bunch of fab­ric from her years of col­lec­tion — some came from Hong Kong! :D I remem­ber going to fab­ric shops (and yarn shops!) with her when I was a kid. There was always a musty but strange­ly com­fort­ing smell amongst the bolts of fab­ric. I can cer­tain­ly keep mak­ing square tops but I think I’m going to try adding some small details or variations. 

Have a great day! :D





2 thoughts on “sewing frenzy, episode honest ed!

  1. Absolute­ly gor­geous! I love your style. I espe­cial­ly love the flut­tery scarf top, and the skirt. Very inspiring!

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