earth owl and many blessings

My friend Nan­cy sent me a pack­age in the mail, full of trea­sures! :D

There were lots of craft sup­plies, each thing relat­ed to a blog post I wrote! I was so moved by the thoughts and kind­ness behind this gift. It meant so much to me. Open­ing all the tis­sue paper-wrapped and rib­bon tied parcels felt like Christmas!

Amongst the many things in the pack­age, there were beads! I love beads! I poured them out into a paint palette and mar­veled at each one. There were a lot of stone chip beads and each is dif­fer­ent. It was fas­ci­nat­ing. I par­tic­u­lar­ly love stones that are trans­par­ent with streaks of colours in them. Remind­ed me of the tiny bot­tle of tum­bled stone chips I got at the Big Nick­el when I was a kid.


It was a such spe­cial gift and I want­ed to make some­thing real­ly spe­cial with them. Some­thing that I can car­ry around with me.

And so the earth owl came into being! :D


I haven’t done a lot of wire work so this turned out bet­ter than I thought. I kind of just bent the wire into an owl shape in a free-formed man­ner. For the body and the wings I attached/strung the beads on by cro­chet­ing with a 2mm hook and thin wire. The eyes are also crocheted.

I found these gor­geous, sparkling glass beads from the pack­age for the eyes. 



And the best thing about the owl is that I had a super fun time mak­ing it. The beads inspired many hours of cre­ativ­i­ty and pure joy.

Feel­ing so very thank­ful and blessed.


Have a won­der­ful week­end, everyone!




5 thoughts on “earth owl and many blessings

  1. this is so cute! i like that it incor­po­rates so many dif­fer­ent stones. a very sweet gift turned into a cre­ative keepsake.

  2. Oh, Trish, I’m so hap­py you liked your lit­tle pack­age :-). Your owl is amaz­ing! What a beau­ti­ful cre­ation. I love his lit­tle beak! You just made my day, Trish, thank you so much.

  3. earth owl and i thank every­one for the love! <3
    i put him where i can see him all the time to remind me of all the bless­ings i’ve received. i’m so grate­ful for the kind words, encour­age­ment and friend­ship from all of the blog visitors :)

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