square-a-day update

Day 13. Inspired by a pho­to I saw.


Day 14, deep sea navigation.


Day 15, red bam­boo. I was teach­ing Chi­nese writ­ing with cal­lig­ra­phy brush­es at a sum­mer camp that day. Tried using Chi­nese cal­lig­ra­phy brush with watered down acrylic, but it did­n’t work so well.


Day 16, wood and daisies. It was our 5th wed­ding anniver­sary, and my sis­ter told me that wood and daisies are tra­di­tion­al gifts for a 5th anniver­sary. We toured Black Creek Pio­neer Vil­lage that day (pic­tures to come! :D) and took lots of pic­tures of old wood hous­es and daisies.


Day 17, nests. Mask­ing flu­id and sewing on some beads.


Day 18, guests of the land. Used white glue instead of mask­ing flu­id. Came to the con­clu­sion that white glue does not func­tion well as mask­ing flu­id. I think I’ve exper­i­ment­ed with this before. For­got what the results were. Should have checked my own blog first :P 


Have a love­ly day, every­one! :D



More on the square-a-day project:
first post
sec­ond post 




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