creatures great and small

We’d love to vaca­tion some­where out of town, but haven’t been able to because of work and school sched­ules. But there are lots to do in the city dur­ing the sum­mer months! We’ve been vis­it­ing local parks and gar­dens, like Riverdale Farm (a get­away from the city with­in the city) and Allan Gar­dens (a mag­i­cal greenhouse!). 

Here we meet a cow at the farm, enjoy­ing lunch.


And a horse rolling in the dirt…


And a but­ter­fly, stay­ing quite still for quite a while for a photo.


At the gar­dens, some koi fish and turtles!


On a slight­ly dif­fer­ent note, it’s just 24hrs from the give­away draw! :D And I real­ized that I for­got to clar­i­fy one thing: the ran­dom­ize draw mech­a­nism will draw four names, the first name being drawn will receive Day at the Farm, the sec­ond name will receive Origa­mi, the third name will receive Curi­ous Nat­u­ral­ist, and the fourth name will receive Abstractionist. Basi­cal­ly, the order that the names are drawn will coin­cide with the order that the paint­ing sets are list­ed. Sor­ry that I for­got to make that clear ear­li­er! I’ve updat­ed the give­away post as well.

There will be a small sur­prise for every­one in the works… which I hope you will like… I’m excit­ed! :D

Have a great Sun­day, everyone! 





2 thoughts on “creatures great and small

  1. Your crea­ture pics are great! Your post title brought back some old mem­o­ries; I read sev­er­al James Her­riot books when I was in mid­dle school!

    Hope you have a great Sun­day as well,
    Kate :}

  2. thank you, kate! i’ve nev­er read his books and actu­al­ly had to look him up! they do seem like real­ly fun books to read… must take a look next time i’m at the library!

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