oh glorious summer

The glo­ri­ous final weeks of sum­mer hol­i­day! Worked on a pile of projects :D 

Was vis­it­ing Kath­leen’s blog the oth­er day and found tons of cool stuff to make! Includ­ing this star-shaped blan­ket (fol­low­ing a pat­tern called Beth’s Lit­tle Star — I just had to make it!)… Â 

I called it the rain­bow road blan­ket, because the colours remind­ed me of the rain­bow road lev­el in Mario Kart. It’s for for my young niece (who is very cute and ami­able and reminds me a lot of Ponyo as she’s start­ing to talk and walk) and her soon-to-be-born sib­ling :D

Also inspired by Kath­leen’s blog is this book­worm book­mark! Her yarn­bomb­ing with book­worms is inge­nious and TOTALLY AWESOME! I would love to do that one day. So far I’ve made one for a book-lov­ing friend :D

I used an orange yarn because I kind of want­ed it to look like Slimey from the Muppets. 

This granny shrug has been on my to-cro­chet list for a long time. I made it with a light fuzzy yarn the colour of Prince Edward Island’s red soil. Not a style I usu­al­ly wear, and can’t see the granny square (actu­al­ly, it’s two hexa­gons stitched togeth­er) pat­tern very well, but it’s real­ly soft! Very com­fort­able for loung­ing in at home, I think.

Then I sewed a dress. With fab­ric I got from my mom’s col­lec­tion. It’s a very soft kind of fab­ric with love­ly pol­ka dots and I’ve been want­i­ng to make some­thing sum­mery with it for a long time. Was hav­ing a very moti­vat­ing con­ver­sa­tion with my friends about sewing dress­es, so I thought instead of mak­ing the square top that I make a lot of, I’d try to sew a dress!

It’s actu­al­ly still a square top with faux but­ton pan­els (which means that the but­tons are just sewed on, there are no but­ton holes), for which I got the idea from C&C’s tuto­r­i­al. The top was cut to a mid-waist length, then I sewed on a skirt made with two trape­zoid pieces of fab­ric. I found enough yel­low but­tons in my col­lec­tion that looked like lemon drops :D

And last but not least, shop update for the fall season!

The fall har­vest treat mag­net set! Here’s a close­up of the pump­kin pie, which I’m rather hap­py with…

I actu­al­ly made his cousin first, which has an upper crust, because I did­n’t know that pump­kin pies aren’t like apple or straw­ber­ry pies, they don’t have upper crusts! (prob­a­bly because I don’t bake very much, and did­n’t grow up in a coun­try where pump­kin pies were pop­u­lar) Mike remind­ed me of that and I remade the pie slice.

I also start­ed Christ­mas-elf­ing (i.e. mak­ing Christ­mas presents) and made 3 scarves, but of course I can’t show you those yet… ;)

Off to the Bruce Penin­su­la this long week­end! Will bring back lots of pictures!

Have a love­ly week­end, everyone!





14 thoughts on “oh glorious summer

  1. Love love love the worm! Adorable. He looks just like Slimey! And yarn bomb­ing a library with ‘book’ worms… genius! I love how clever crafty girls are. :)

  2. Hi Trish,
    I’m vis­it­ing via Signed with an Owl. And I’m glad I stopped by, because I love your blog! You’re clear­ly a very tal­ent­ed (and busy) lady!!!
    I love your star — what a cool project! And the book­worm is so cute!!! :-)
    Until my next visit.….

  3. You’re a cro­chet machine! Your Slimey (per­fect col­or, BTdubs) looks so much cuter than all the Rav­el­ry projects. And you’re so nice to give it to your friend. PS. I love Ponyo!

  4. Hey Trish — I did­n’t see this post until now. That’s so neat how the blan­ket you made for us has my name right in the title! haha.…“Beth’s lit­tle star”…so maybe we should come up with a name for the new baby that means “lit­tle star”? What do you think? ;)

    Thanks again for your thought­ful beau­ti­ful gifts!

  5. Oh dear, you have remind­ed me that I need to fin­ish my shrug, too! I’m bring­ing it out right now! Have been work­ing on the sky scarf, though. Think I’m up to July 4th or 5th, with start­ing the first day of sum­mer. Only cast on 28 stitch­es (the moon cycles) so it does go pret­ty fast. 

    The star blan­ket is so very cool; she will love it!

  6. I LOVE the book worms! I made a whole bunch (like 40 — call me crazy) for my reading/trivia com­pe­ti­tion team through school. The team loved them and I always had a few extras in my back­pack in case some­one need­ed a book­mark. I also love that dress, and I’m super jeal­ous of your mad sewing skil­lz, haha!

  7. very quick shrug to make if the hook is large and yarn is thick! :D i’m think­ing about mak­ing anoth­er sky project for the start of fall as well…

  8. thank you, ali­son! i most­ly sew straight lines and box-like blous­es, but i hope to learn to sew dif­fer­ent shapes :D

  9. Trish, I love the dress! Let’s set up anoth­er sewing date, please. I’d love it if you could teach me how you made it. :)

  10. thanks jenn! it’s very easy! maybe i should’ve drawn a dia­gram on how to sew it… but it’s basi­cal­ly a vari­a­tion of the square blouse :D

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