

So I was get­ting a hair­cut at a salon, what’s the big deal?

The big deal is that I’ve nev­er been to a hair salon in my life.

AND get­ting kind of an unusu­al hairstyle!

Part of this has to do with want­i­ng to do some­thing dif­fer­ent as I’m turn­ing 30. But then there’s anoth­er story.

I’ve seen peo­ple with this asym­met­ri­cal kind of hair­cut before and I’ve nev­er been too impressed with them. But late­ly I’ve been wrestling with things that I just could not find answers for no mat­ter how hard I think. I was in very bad shape. Self-doubt was seep­ing into every­thing. I just want­ed to stay home for the rest of my life nev­er hav­ing to deal with soci­ety ever again. So I brought the ques­tions to my men­tor and she said some­thing along the line of,

What about just hold­ing the com­plex­i­ty of all of that, just sit­ting with ques­tions that we can’t answer, just being with what it is?

I thought that some­thing need­ed to shift and a hair­cut would do it. And I thought some­how I need­ed to embody this stance of “hold­ing ambi­gu­i­ty” in order to prac­tice it, and this kind of hair­style came to mind.

I usu­al­ly cut my own hair, or I ask my mom to cut it for me. But I could­n’t cut this hair­style on my own, and was­n’t sure if my mom would be will­ing to do it, so I decid­ed to go to a hair salon that Mike vis­its reg­u­lar­ly and likes.

The short side is actu­al­ly way short­er than I had asked for. Maybe I was­n’t being clear. Les­son to learn for next time. I’ll just have to be with what it is for now.

It’s start­ing to grow on me though ;)



Have a hap­py Thurs­day, everyone! 




10 thoughts on “leap

  1. I real­ly enjoy your hon­esty in your posts in addi­tion to projects you cre­ate. I have to say I think you are rockin’ the hair cut. It suits you well :)

  2. Wow, you are very brave to be going to a hair salon for the first time, AND ask­ing for such a dras­tic cut! Love it on you! And yes, you do have to be very, very spe­cif­ic, ha!

    “Hold­ing with what is”; I like that :-).

  3. LOVE the new ‘do!
    But I total­ly under­stand — hair is a very per­son­al thing. And changes, espe­cial­ly dra­mat­ic ones, can take some get­ting used to. But my styl­ist and I have a mot­to “eh, it’ll grow back” ;) LOL

  4. Love your hair cut. Cut­ting your hair is a won­der­ful way to feel in con­trol of some­thing when so much around you is beyond your con­trol. Plus it looks good!

  5. thank you! yes, i remem­ber that i actu­al­ly said to the hair­styl­ist, “oh, what­ev­er looks good to you,” so i was­n’t being spe­cif­ic at all. oh well.

  6. thanks amy! :D that’s what i tell myself all the time too, includ­ing the time when i cut my bangs too short, it grows back :D

  7. Hi Trish,
    I love your new hair cut, it real­ly suits the shape of your face and also suits your new age. It is brave try­ing some­thing new and step­ping out­side our com­fort zone,it helps us to grow.
    Love see­ing your projects, how is the sweater com­ing on?
    Enjoy your new look, Sheila.

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