a project of letting go

Check out Mike’s new blog, Project Brew­ster! :D

It’s a bril­liant project of de-clut­ter­ing. His goal is to give away, donate, recy­cle, or throw out five things a week for a year.

In the mean time, I was also look­ing for a reg­u­lar art exer­cise for the new year (sim­i­lar to the square-a-day project, but less time con­sum­ing). Inspired by Mike’s project, I fig­ure I could do the same de-clut­ter­ing thing, and in the end we’ll have a much less clut­tered liv­ing space! :D 

The slight dif­fer­ence in my project is that instead of tak­ing a pho­to of one of the things I’m giv­ing away/donating/recycling/throwing out each week, I’m mak­ing a blind con­tour sketch of it. So it’s a project of let­ting go of things and a way of prac­tic­ing let­ting go of per­fec­tion­ism at the same time. And because I rarely draw. I think I’ll learn much from the art prac­tice itself.

Week 1: green (turned brown­ish) sneakers

jan7 shoesI bought these shoes on sale for $10 when I was 17. I’ve only recent­ly stopped wear­ing them because there are holes in the soles. They’re the old­est pair of shoes I have.

Oth­er items this week: More shoes with holes in them, and a few pairs that felt fine at the store but kind of tor­tured my feet when I start­ed wear­ing them. Par­tic­u­lar­ly, a pair of pink bal­let flats I wore at our wed­ding. They start­ed cut­ting into my heels when I wore them sev­er­al years lat­er and now had blood stain in them :S so they had to go :( That’s okay though, I have plen­ty of pho­tos of me wear­ing them at the wedding :)


Have a great start to the week!




2 thoughts on “a project of letting go

  1. What an inspir­ing project! De-clut­ter­ing and cre­ative!! I’m off to check out Mike’s blog! I’m cer­tain­ly in need of going through stuff and donat­ing… Thanks for sharing!
    Kate :}

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