this week’s awesome finds

 Über cute cross stitch heart sweater from Über Chic for Cheap!


 It’s a lla­ma! Or Alpaca? Not sure what the dif­fer­ence are, but they’re both awe­some :D So is this plas­tic ani­mal pin cush­ion from Small Good Things.


 Impres­sive drag­on scarfs point­ed out to me by the awe­some Amy :D For sale on Rav­el­ry.


 Moomin! I used to watch Moomin car­toons when I was a kid. Real­ly enjoyed the calm­ness and peace­ful­ness of it. Cro­chet pat­tern from Samigu­ru­mi.


 A dif­fer­ent way to stamp! I won­der if it would work with just a sponge with some paint on it. From Tal­ly’s Trea­sury.


 I’ve been see­ing this around the web a lot. I kept think­ing it was some kind of joke, until one day I got curi­ous and clicked on a link to the tuto­r­i­al — one CAN mail a piece of cake! What fun would it be to find a piece of cake in the mail­box? What fun would it be for the post­man to put a piece of cake in the mail­box? Spread the sweet­ness! :D


 These seat cov­ers look like clouds. With a whop­ping 20mm hook and mere­ly 3 rounds of cro­chet! From Pick­les.


 Sim­ply the cutest cup­cake top­pers, from Oh Hap­py Day.


 I’d love to make this for a friend who loves to make mac­arons (and they’re super deli­cious too!). From Craft Pas­sion.


 Love­ly granny hat from Revving It Up.


 Also real­ly like this sim­ple and very cozy-look­ing garter stitch hat. From Jane Elli­son.


 I mar­vel at super real­is­tic minia­ture food things but rarely do I find such detailed tuto­ri­als for it! This is fas­ci­nat­ing — cook­ie charms, also spot­ted on Craft Pas­sion.


Have an awe­some week­end! :D



5 thoughts on “this week’s awesome finds

  1. SRSLY. I am soooooo look­ing for­ward to that drag­on scarf pat­tern being avail­able! :) Love the llama/alpaca pin cush­ion. Cuteness.

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