an angler fish named grace

grace 2

An angler fish named Grace, grate­ful for the light before its path.

It’s made from a pat­tern from this book, but the pat­tern is also online for free :D

The pat­tern uses rib­bon for teeth, but I don’t have that kind of rib­bon, so I cro­cheted them with thread. I’m quite hap­py with how they turned out. And the mouth is lined with black felt.



She looks rather hap­py :D

grace 1


Have a great week!



8 thoughts on “an angler fish named grace

  1. Oh! She must have been so fun to cre­ate! Reminds me that I’ve got to make a Mar­cel. Soon.

  2. I am mak­ing a croc­o­dile toy for my nieces and stum­bled upon this post while search­ing for ideas on how to do the teeth. I love them! How did you do it?

  3. thanks so much for vis­it­ing, Sab­ri­na! i don’t real­ly remem­ber exact­ly what i did… but i prob­a­bly made a long chain that’s enough to line both the upper and low­er jaws, and then did picots along the chain. this knit­ty arti­cle has good pho­to instruc­tions on mak­ing a picot edg­ing:

    hope this helps! hap­py craft­ing! :D

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