this week’s awesome finds

Love these super cute jam-filled cook­ies :D from Accord­ing to Matt.


Turk­ish flat bead cro­chet — ever tried it? I’m intrigued… from Bead Cro­chet Snakes.


Aren’t this such a bril­liant idea? Press­ing plas­tic insects into cook­ie dough! Per­fect for a dinosaur-themed par­ty :D Fos­sil cook­ies from Martha Stew­art Liv­ing.


These owls just have an adorably sil­ly look to them. Pat­tern from Bun­ny Mum­my.


I love that these pret­ty birds are made of cro­cheted cir­cles! Also from Bun­ny Mum­my.


The loveli­est bal­let slip­pers from Green Drag­on­fly.


On the look­out for twigs… Spring branch neck­lace from Plan B.


These made out of per­ler beads! Sim­ply styl­ish. From The South­ern Insti­tute.


Have an awe­some week­end, everyone!











4 thoughts on “this week’s awesome finds

  1. Oh dear. I’m real­ly lik­ing those purler bead ear­rings. And the birdies. And the owls (duh, of course). And the spring neck­lace, etc. etc. Won­der­ful finds, Trish!

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