cherry blossom festival! :D

I must say, this is the time of the year that I look for­ward to the most. It’s not real­ly an offi­cial fes­ti­val, but to me it’s always excit­ing like a fes­ti­val :D

The weath­er is espe­cial­ly gor­geous this year over the few days of peak bloom, which attract­ed a large and mer­ry gath­er­ing of peo­ple at High Park even on a Mon­day night when we went.

high park


My sis­ter brought along Wish Bun­ny, a rab­bit with wings from a Japan­ese com­ic called Card­cap­tor Saku­ra, I think. I made Wish Bun­ny in my high school days, near­ly 15 years ago. Still in good shape and fit to climb trees :D

wish bunny 1

wish bunny 2


I wore my bloom­ing dress for the occasion…



We packed a pic­nic of oni­giri and imi­ta­tion crab meat salad.



Then we took a stroll by the lake, and a swan came to join the mer­ry gathering! 



And of course we took lev­i­tat­ing pho­tos amongst the bloom­ing trees! Will post them in the next few days :D

Hap­py spring!



5 thoughts on “cherry blossom festival! :D

  1. What a love­ly day you had! I love all the pink “snow”. Thanks for shar­ing with us.

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