


Pat­tern for a sweater that I talked about a while ago. Have been work­ing on it slow­ly since the end of sum­mer. And of course I have to cel­e­brate its com­ple­tion with a lev­i­tat­ing pho­to :D It fea­tures an uneven hem­line, with the back piece is longer than the front piece. It’s more like a tunic, so it can be worn over leggings.

Yarn weight: light worsted
(I used this acrylic yarn that I have a huge pile of in my stash, I like that it does­n’t stretch out of shape eas­i­ly, espe­cial­ly when it’s cro­cheted with a large hook)

Yardage: aprox. 1400 yards for main colour, 150 yards for con­trast­ing stripes 

Hooks: 9mm and 6.5mm

Length from shoul­der to bot­tom edge of back piece — 27“
Bust — 34″
(Though the sweater is quite stretchy, and pat­tern is eas­i­ly adjustable by adding or sub­tract­ing foun­da­tion stitch­es. One may need more yarn if mak­ing a larg­er sweater.)
Sleeve cir­cum­fer­ence at shoul­der — 14″

Stitch­es used:
Sin­gle cro­chet — sc
Dou­ble cro­chet — dc
Dou­ble cro­chet togeth­er — dctog
Sin­gle cro­chet togeth­er — sctog
Slip stitch — sl

1. Through­out the pat­tern, the turn­ing ch 3 in dc rows counts as a dc, but the turn­ing ch 1 in sc rows (stripes) do not count as an sc.
2. The main colour is car­ried up (not fas­ten off) when mak­ing the stripe rows, but the stripe colour yarn is fas­ten off at the end of each stripe sec­tion and not car­ried up over main colour sections.



With main colour and larg­er hook, ch 43.

Row 1: dc in 3rd ch from hook, dc in each ch across, turn. 

Row 2: ch 3, skip first dc, dc in each dc across, turn.

Row 3: repeat row 2, at the end of the row attach stripe colour, switch to stripe colour while car­ry­ing the main colour up.

Row 4: with stripe colour, ch 1, sc in first dc, sc in each dc across (includ­ing top of turn­ing ch‑3 of pre­vi­ous row), turn.

Row 5: ch 1, sc in first sc, sc in each sc across (but not in the turn­ing ch‑1 of pre­vi­ous row), switch to main colour, fas­ten off stripe colour, turn.

Row 6: ch 3, dc in first sc, dc in each sc across, turn.

Rows 7–9: repeat row 2.

Repeat rows 4 to 9 six times.

Next rows: repeat rows 4–7 once.

Neck shap­ing (right, fac­ing you):

Row 1: ch 3, skip first dc, dc in next 9 dc, 2 dctog over next 2 dc, turn.

Row 2: ch 3, skip first dc, 2 dctog over next 2 dc, dc in each dc across, turn.

Row 3: ch 3, skip first dc, dc in each dc across, fas­ten off.

Neck shap­ing (left, fac­ing you):

Row 1: count 29 dc from the right edge, attach yarn to next dc. ch 3, skip first dc, 2 dctog over next 2 dc, dc in each dc across, turn.

Row 2: ch 3, skip first dc, dc in each dc until last 2 dc, 2 dctog over next 2 dc, turn.

Row 3, ch 3, skip first dc, dc in each dc across, fas­ten off.


Cro­chet exact­ly the same way as Back, except repeat rows 4–9 five times instead of six times.

Cro­chet neck shap­ing the same way as Back. 


With main colour, ch 29.

Rows 1–6: same as Back rows 1–6.

Row 7 (increase row): ch 3, skip first dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in each dc until last 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in top of turn­ing ch, turn.

Rows 8–9: ch 3, skip first dc, dc in each dc across, turn.

Rows 10–12: same as Back rows 4–6.

Repeat rows 7–12 twice more.

Next 3 rows: ch 3, skip first dc, dc in each dc across, turn.

Next 6 rows: repeat Back rows 4–9. Fas­ten off.

The sleeve should be 33 stitch­es wide at the top edge. Repeat for the oth­er sleeve.


Cro­chet shoul­ders togeth­er using slip stitch.

Mark the 17th dc at the top edge of the sleeve. With right sides fac­ing, match the 17th dc at the top edge of the sleeve to the shoul­der seam and pin it down. Pin down the rest of the top edge of the sleeve to the front and back of sweater. Cro­chet sleeve to body of sweater. It might need a slight bit of stretch to make sure that the sleeve is 14″ wide when unfold­ed. Repeat for the oth­er sleeve.

Low­er edge:

With small­er hook, main colour and right side fac­ing, attach yarn to cen­tre back of hem, sc in each st until the edge.

You are now work­ing along the side of the rows in the longer back piece. ch 2, sl st in the top of first row from the bot­tom edge, ch 2, sl st in top of sec­ond row, ch 2, sl st at the point where the back piece meet the front piece.

sc in each st along the front hem, sc in the point where the front piece meets the back piece.

Now work along the side of the rows in the longer back piece. ch 2, sl st in base of sec­ond row from the bot­tom edge, ch 2, sl st in the base of first row, ch 2, sl st in the bot­tom corner.

sc in each of the remain­ing st in the back hem. Fas­ten off. 

Neck edge:

With small­er hook, main colour and right side fac­ing, attach yarn to cen­tre back of neck. sc even­ly around neck. Gen­er­al­ly, I worked 1 sc in each st, and 2 sc in each row when I’m work­ing on its side, and 3 sctog when there is a steep curve (in the first 2 neck shap­ing rows). I hope this makes sense. Ulti­mate­ly it’s about cro­chet­ing around the neck in a way that pulls it togeth­er a little.

Weave in all ends.

And that’s it! Let me know if you spot any mis­take or have any question!



Hap­py fall! :D


8 thoughts on “blues

  1. Very impor­tant ques­tion : How much yarn do I need to buy, I was going to buy 3 rolls of Lion Brand Yarn and each roll is 145 yards so thats 435 yards all togeth­er. Is that enough or do I need to buy one more?

  2. so sor­ry that I did­n’t include that infor­ma­tion in the pat­tern! depend­ing on the size you’re mak­ing, you’d prob­a­bly need at least 1000–1200 yard. cro­chet­ing does use up a lot of yarn. hope this helps! thanks so much for visiting!

  3. Hey! I real­ly like this pat­tern and want to start on mak­ing it… but I notice you don’t have a gauge of any sort… do you have any idea on what it was? I just don’t want to start and get half way done and real­ize that the gauge is com­plete­ly off and I’m mak­ing an awful­ly small or large sweater! haha.

  4. thank you for ask­ing about the gauge! i includ­ed it on the rav­el­ry page but for­got to put it in the pat­tern too. here it is:
    11 stitch­es and 6 rows = 4 inch­es. to make a swatch: ch 13, dc in 3rd ch from hook, dc in each dc, turn. *ch 3, skip first dc, dc in each dc across, last dc in turn­ing ch, turn*. Repeat from * to * until there are 6 rows altogether.
    hope this helps! thank you for giv­ing this pat­tern a try!

  5. Can you explain the neck shap­ing a lit­tle more to me what you mean by right and left and where i start it? I’m still a begin­ner so some pat­terns are confusing.

  6. hi Lexi, thank you for giv­ing this pat­tern a try! the right side of neck shap­ing is a con­tin­u­a­tion from the back. so don’t fas­ten off after the end of the sec­tion under “back”, and just turn the piece and fol­low the pat­tern. For the left side, count 29 dc from the right edge (the side that you just fin­ished mak­ing the neck shap­ing sec­tion) on the last row of back, then attach yarn to the next dc, and fol­low the pat­tern from there. hope this is helpful!

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