


Look­ing for a very last minute gift? This head­band took me just one hour to make, and I don’t even knit very much. Per­fect for this snowy weath­er we have going on these days! It’d prob­a­bly look bet­ter on some­one with longer hair, but it’s real­ly quite cozy.

It is based on this sim­ple head­band pat­tern from The Knit Cafe. I think the orig­i­nal looks very cute but the garter stitch kind of obscures the twist design a bit, so I thought I’d sub­sti­tute with stock­inette stitch. Spon­ta­neous­ly decid­ed to write a post about my mod­i­fi­ca­tions and did­n’t wait for day­light to take pho­tos, so I thought I’d try to be styl­ish and make it black and white :P The yarn I used is grey any­way :) 

Here’s what I did:

I used 10 mm straight nee­dles, 1 strand shet­land chunky and 1 strand worsted weight yarn held togeth­er, a cable nee­dle, and tapes­try needle.

Cast on 12 stitches.

Row 1: knit 

Row 2: knit first stitch, purl until last stitch, knit last stitch

Repeat rows 1 and 2 until piece is 8.5 or 9 inch­es long, end with row 2.

Cable row: knit first stitch, place next 5 stitch­es on cable nee­dle, knit the fol­low­ing 5 stitch­es, knit the five stitch­es on the cable nee­dle, knit last stitch.

Repeat row 2, then row 1 and 2 until entire piece is 17 or 18 inch­es long, bind off. 

Sew the ends togeth­er. The post on The Knit Cafe has a nice pho­to tuto­r­i­al for seam­less join (scroll down for the seam­ing tutorial).


Hap­py craft­ing! :D



9 thoughts on “spontaneity

  1. It is so sim­ple and pret­ty. One of these days I’ll have to put down my cro­chet hook and pick up some knit­ting needles. ;)

  2. Thanks Trish!

    I’m mak­ing a super chunky infin­i­ty scarf for my niece (her birth­day is on Christ­mas) and want­ed to make a match­ing head band *because she won’t wear a hat* so this is perfect! 

    Thank you!

  3. Made the infin­i­ty scarf in about 2 hours and the head­band (with super chunky on 35 mm nee­dles) and it was about half an hour. Thanks for the inspi­ra­tion and Mer­ry Christ­mas to you!

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