holiday cheers



Tak­ing in the fes­tive sights and sounds around the city :D

Last week a friend and I made it to the Christ­mas mar­ket at the Dis­tillery, but it was real­ly cold! I think it was ‑20℃ with wind­chill. But every­thing was so pret­ty and mag­i­cal. I man­aged to take a few blur­ry pictures.

And there was a giant Christ­mas tree!



This past week­end I went to the City of Craft show. The orga­niz­ers are the best at fes­tive dec­o­rat­ing! I can only imag­ine how much work (and love) went into cut­ting out these paper rabbits.



And they make love­ly shadows…



All the ven­dors were amaz­ing, my friend and I were ooh-ing and ahh-ing at every booth. And the won­der­ful thing about the inter­net is that you, too, can vis­it these shops even if you could­n’t come to the show! :D I espe­cial­ly love the absolute­ly adorable minia­ture ani­mals by Jen­ny Wren, I won­der if she would sell the love­ly neck­laces dis­played at the show when her shop reopens, there was this fuzzy squir­rel with a mush­room sit­ting in a tiny bell jar pendant!! And the super cute nee­dle-felt­ed ani­mals by Les­ley-Ann Green! Her busi­ness card has a real­ly cute and kind-look­ing fox on the back, I propped it up on my desk and it makes me smile every time I look at it. It’s going to help me get through all the papers in the win­ter term I think. 


Hope you have a cheer­ful day!