

New year, new school sup­ply! :D

I bring a trav­el mug to school to take advan­tage of the ket­tle in the stu­dent lounge. Green tea does help to increase con­cen­tra­tion in lectures.

I used the pat­tern from Lit­tle Things Blogged for the fox fin­ger­less mitts. Start­ed with the same num­ber of stitch­es in the foun­da­tion chain, but added a few stitch­es around in the sec­ond last round to accom­mo­date the shape of the mug. Instead of a brown fox, I thought I’d make a grey one, like Kristof­fer­son in Fan­tas­tic Mr. Fox (I love that movie :D).

Cheers to the new year!



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