and the winning amigurumi is.…

Today is the day! 

I’m ran­dom­ly draw­ing an amigu­ru­mi sug­ges­tion from the com­ments every­one has left on this post, this post, and my post on Insta­gram.

I’m using the list ran­dom­iz­er on I enter all the sug­ges­tions as a list, and then the num­ber one item in the ran­dom­ized list would be the winner.

And the win­ning amigu­ru­mi is…

random march 8



An amigu­ru­mi nar­whal will be going to Amy, who made the sug­ges­tion :D

Now I just have to ask for every­one’s patience, as the fin­ished nar­whal and pat­tern will take me a lit­tle time… but it would be a great way to wel­come spring/summer by mak­ing an aquat­ic creature! 

Thank you so much every­one for your sug­ges­tions and com­ments! I’m a bit sad that I’m not able to make a pat­tern for all of the amigu­ru­mi you’ve sug­gest­ed, because they’re all great ideas and I like all of them! So I’ve decid­ed to scour the inter­web to see if these pat­terns already exist, and here they are if you want to make some of them :D (you can click on the above image to see the list of all the ani­mals suggested)

Thanks so much for the inspi­ra­tions, everyone!



7 thoughts on “and the winning amigurumi is.…

  1. Holy crap, that’s such a great guinea pig pat­tern find! Thanks for link­ing it up, I’m def­i­nite­ly going to make a couple :)

  2. Thanks, Trish! You know I’d be hon­ored to have one — tru­ly!! — but maybe Mike deserves the first Narwhal! ;)

  3. haha, he says he just wants to see one made, but does­n’t actu­al­ly want to have one. i can always make 2! :D con­grats amy!

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