
Photo 2014-03-17, 9 45 45 AM


The trees will bloom again, I’m sure of it. Even though it does­n’t feel that way now.

I try not to com­plain about the win­ter, because there’s noth­ing any­one can do about it. But I admit that I am get­ting mild­ly frus­trat­ed and more than a lit­tle dis­cour­aged when it feels like ‑22°c in the mid­dle of March.

So when I spot­ted these Japan­ese quince flow­ers on Attic 24 I thought I had to make them, and to wear them on my coat, to remind me of bloom­ing trees. I’ve almost for­got­ten about them, this win­ter has been so long. Bloom­ing trees are one of my favourite things.

Yes, that huge snow hill behind me is going to melt, and the trees will bloom again, I know they will.

The flow­ers are indeed very easy to make and they turn out very cute. I espe­cial­ly love the fuzzy cen­tres with the yel­low yarn.

And yes­ter­day I will­ful­ly left my snow boots at home. A bit of ice does­n’t stop me from wear­ing my spring shoes.

Photo 2014-03-17, 9 48 02 AM

 Hap­py Tues­day, wher­ev­er you are.


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