free-formed and off-centred


Inspired by this bike skirt, actu­al­ly. Built on the cir­cu­lar cen­tre of this granny square pat­tern (a real­ly love­ly pat­tern, by the way). Some­how man­aged to make only half of it, and then added more rows around it, while grad­u­al­ly mor­ph­ing it into a rec­tan­gu­lar shape to make the shirt. It was a pret­ty free-formed process, which is real­ly my favourite way to cro­chet, so I’m quite proud of this skirt. The half cir­cle is cen­tred on the side and the rest of the skirt are just made of dc and hdc rows.

Had just enough wine-coloured yarn to make the skirt part, so I decid­ed to use a char­coal grey for the waist band, which was knit­ted on with a 1x1 ribbing.




We took these pho­tos in Strat­ford, while tak­ing a road trip through sev­er­al south­ern Ontario towns. Will be post­ing more pho­tos and sto­ries from the trip soon :D

Have a hap­py week, everyone!




4 thoughts on “free-formed and off-centred

  1. thanks so much Sheila! I’m hap­py with how it turned out too! Just hope it keeps its shape after I wash it…

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