

Oh my, it’s been 10 days since I last wrote >_< I must say, it’s been very busy since the begin­ning of Novem­ber. I start­ed a new job, and then our apart­ment build­ing start­ed under­go­ing some ren­o­va­tions, which required us to pack away and seal every­thing in plas­tic sheets and tape so that they don’t get cov­ered in ren­o­va­tion dust. So then we thought, we might as well rearrange our apartment!

I like rear­rang­ing the apart­ment once in a while, it’s like mov­ing into a new apart­ment! It’s just a lot of work that has to be done over sev­er­al weeks because we’ve got jobs to go to dur­ing the day (or night) and oth­er things to do and peo­ple to see…

But look! We were able to carve out a new work space for me over the week­end! I love the shelves above it. And I get to dis­play one of the hand paint­ed signs from Hon­est Ed’s (for 99 cents “Hol­i­day Marsh­mal­low Bis­cuits”), which com­mem­o­rates not only the icon­ic Toron­to land­mark but also the day in which my dear friend and I lined up for 7 hours to buy these signs (I also have an “Acrylic Ladies Sweater” one and an “Instant Noo­dles” one, but I don’t have frames for them yet. I think my friend got “Fleece Shorts” and “Ankle Weights”). It was prob­a­bly the most ridicu­lous thing I’ve done (and the whole time we were like, “oh, it looks like it’s just anoth­er hour of wait, we’ve been here for 3 (or 4, or 5) hours already, what’s anoth­er hour, we’ve spent too much time on this to turn back emp­ty hand­ed…” and poor Mike was wait­ing for us out­side Hon­est Ed’s to go to din­ner), but now we have “a piece of his­to­ry of Toron­to” dis­played on our shelves and great sto­ries to tell :P

And all my yarn colour-sort­ed and neat­ly tucked away in bins! For the past few years I’ve had the yarn just sit­ting in the shelv­ing unit like in a yarn store (see this post about the “wall of yarn” and my ini­tial excite­ment). It was nice to look at for the first month or so, but before long I had yarn spilling all over the place from the front AND the back of the shelves. So, now we don’t get to see the pret­ty colours of the yarn on the shelves, but they are much eas­i­er to manage.

In the mean­while, I’m work­ing on a sweater project that I can’t wait to fin­ish and show you, and new items for my shop :D Stay tuned! I’ve been feel­ing a bit slug­gish over the sum­mer and into the fall, so I’m grate­ful for the ener­gy that Novem­ber brings.

Have a fab­u­lous, ener­gized week, everyone!


p.s. And if you have crea­ture pho­tos for the 12 Days of Wood­land Crea­tures project, please feel free to send them my way before Wednes­day, Nov. 12! I will put togeth­er a cel­e­bra­tion post with every­one’s pho­tos short­ly after that :D

4 thoughts on “space

  1. Just want­ed to say that the black bins look like square cats (or per­haps some oth­er crea­ture) perch­ing in the cub­bies ^_^

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