this week’s awesome finds

Home­made reed dif­fuser, eas­i­er to make than I thought! Did­n’t know that one could even use bam­boo skew­ers for this. From Make & Takes.

I like tiny stud ear­rings, and these heart-shaped ones are just love­ly. From Fall for DIY.

I often see cof­fee pots at thrift stores and won­dered what they can be used for. Now I know — a ter­rar­i­um! Though last time I tried grow­ing air plants it did­n’t work out so well, they just shriv­eled up and died. How I could kill an air plant that only requires air to live I don’t real­ly know. But any­way, this cof­fee pot ter­rar­i­um from A Charm­ing Project is brilliant!

I must share this, because I <3 Choco­cat :D Pat­tern from Sabri­na’s Cro­chet.

I do like cats very much, and this is SO cute! The pat­tern is in French but Google Trans­late does a pret­ty good job. From La Souris aux Petits Doigts.

This tunic might be my next project :D Looks fan­tas­tic with the var­ie­gat­ed yarn. From Red Heart.

Add some sub­tle cute­ness to any out­fit with this donut ring, spot­ted on Dream a Lit­tle Big­ger.

Love this stitch pat­tern, might make a cozy sweater too. Pat­tern from Slugs on the Refrig­er­a­tor.

And final­ly, if you like The Grand Budapest Hotel as much as I do (and if you haven’t seen it, I high­ly rec­om­mend!), and if you like to bake, you might enjoy mak­ing these pas­tries from the film! Video recipe spot­ted on Make.

Hap­py Wednes­day, everyone!