this week’s awesome finds

All the sum­mery stuff! :D

Cut fox print, also great for t‑shirt! :D From Patch­work Cac­tus.

These cat donuts are soooo adorable. Orig­i­nal recipe is not in Eng­lish, but Google Trans­late does a good job! From Schoen Und Fien.

So pret­ty and sum­ma­ry, straw­ber­ry short­cake in a jar <3 Looks sim­ple enough for non-bak­ers like me to make, espe­cial­ly if I buy pre-made pound cake… From Make & Takes.

Cutest jel­ly­fish I’ve seen! Pat­tern from One Dog Woof.

Clothes­pin fairies for rainy day craft par­ties and sun­ny day gar­den par­ties. From Crafts Unleashed.

More rainy day crafts! Loo roll nin­jas on Kids Activ­i­ties Blog.

These are the most gor­geous dish cloth, inspired by old-times linoleum floors. Pat­tern on Mason-Dixon Knit­ting.

This is just plain awe­some. The tuto­r­i­al uses colour gel fil­ters, I’m not sure where to get those, but I think for a small­er ver­sion tis­sue paper will be OK. From Oh Hap­py Day.

Enjoy the sun! :D

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