square cat

Stum­bled upon this adorable granny square cat pat­tern on Insta­gram by Suregal27 — have to share it! :D

This is the one I made, I love how it looks kind of annoyed, like the way cats often do :D

Photo 2016-07-24, 2 29 50 PM

Now I want to make a bunch of oth­er ones with dif­fer­ent fur colours!

If you want to make one too, search for #grannysquare­cat on Insta­gram, scroll to the bot­tom and you’ll find a pho­to tutorial.

Hap­py square-cat-mak­ing! :D


6 thoughts on “square cat

  1. Votre square cat est ravis­sant. Je suis allée sur Insta­gram mais je n’ai pas réussi à trou­ver le tuto! J’aime beau­coup les chats, nous avons 2 minettes Vin­ciane et Uranie qui font notre bonheur.

  2. Mer­ci pour votre réponse Trish. J’ai essayé à nou­veau mais.…çà ne marche pas!. Je suis bien descen­due jusqu’au bas de la page, mais pas de tuto, page suiv­ante non plus, dommage.

  3. hmm, that’s unfor­tu­nate! but i’m not sure why, because it works on my com­put­er and phone. but when i first click on the link the page does­n’t show all the pic­tures, i have to scroll to the bot­tom and then click “load more” (in a cir­cle at the bot­tom of the page), won­der­ing if you’ve already tried that too?

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