heart of the sea

Photo 2016-08-20, 1 36 49 PM

I recent­ly went to a mille­fiori jew­el­ry work­shop with a good neigh­bour, who spot­ted this Groupon and we jumped at the opportunity.

I’ve always been fas­ci­nat­ed by mille­fiori. I used to be obsessed with mak­ing imi­ta­tion ones with fimo when I was a kid. But I’ve nev­er worked with real glass mille­fiori canes. So here we are! :D

We did­n’t get to make the canes but we used them in kind of a mosa­ic project, fill­ing pen­dant bezel trays with pieces of the glass canes.

Photo 2016-08-20, 1 12 59 PM

Aren’t they so pretty?

I decid­ed to use blue and green ones. And I found a heart! :D If it were an art­work, I would call it “heart of the sea”.

Photo 2016-08-20, 1 55 15 PM

The shop own­ers would then pour epoxy or resin into it to seal all the glass pieces in. We left our pieces there for the resin to set, and picked them up a few days later.

Isn’t this beau­ti­ful? I love the air bub­bles in it, and the feel­ing of depth that the epoxy creates.

Photo 2016-08-24, 6 28 31 PM

With my macro lens :D

Photo 2016-08-24, 6 27 04 PM

I think it looks great on a long chain :D

Photo 2016-08-24, 6 43 18 PM

It’s a bit of a trek for me to get to the shop, so while I was there to pick up my project, I went on a small adven­ture near­by :D pic­tures to come, stay tuned!

Have a good rest of the week!


6 thoughts on “heart of the sea

  1. Trish, it is love­ly! When I was a child we often vis­it­ed a friend of my par­ents who had a col­lec­tion of mille­fiori paper­weights. They fas­ci­nat­ed me. I could look at them for hours. 

    This is just gor­geous. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Que ce pen­den­tif est joli! on dirait que des petites étoiles sont tombées dans la mer! Vous avez décidément des doigts de fée.

  3. Thanks so much Clau­dine for your love­ly words! I need more prac­tice to have steady hands like the shop own­ers, the tweez­ers def­i­nite­ly helped but it took longer than expect­ed to fit all the beads in!

  4. This makes me won­der if you’ve ever made a kalei­do­scope. I’m sure I spelled that incor­rect­ly. :) This kind of art reminds me of them.

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