countdown to the TTC knitalong!

I spent yes­ter­day morn­ing stuff­ing awe­some swag bags with awe­some peo­ple for every­one com­ing to the TTC Kni­ta­long (heart-eyes, heart-eyes, heart-eyes). Check this out!

So excit­ed!! It’s only one week away! It’s not too late to sign up, but hur­ry, there are only a few tick­ets left!

So grate­ful for the spon­sors this year!! <3 we’ve got very nice mer­cer­ized cot­ton, large but­tons, nee­dles, hooks and knooks (new craft to learn btw!), gauge ruler, and knit­ting patterns!

There are ALSO lots and lots of YARN raf­fle prizes, which you can check out on the TTC Kni­ta­long Insta­gram feed :) And you can get a free raf­fle tick­et for every yarn or fin­ished item dona­tion! The yarn dona­tions go to orga­ni­za­tions like Street Knit, Knit­ted Knock­ers and hos­pi­tals. Pro­ceeds from the event goes to Sis­ter­ing, a drop-in and sup­port cen­tre for women in Toronto.

Come join us this Sat­ur­day if you’re in the Toron­to area! :D You’ll see me with team Mag­ic Loop!

Have a good week everyone!