
It’s final­ly done! :D :D :D

It’s prob­a­bly the most com­pli­cat­ed knit­ting project I’ve tried yet! But it was tons of fun, and the pat­tern actu­al­ly leaves a lot of room for cus­tomiza­tion and alter­ing stitch pat­terns. Like the garter stitch ridges I have on one sleeve, and the cou­ple of rows of stock­inette at the bot­tom of the sweater.

Mike made this while edit­ing the pho­tos *laugh­ing with tears emoticon*

Indeed! It used up a lot of my very old stash. I actu­al­ly inher­it­ed scraps of the var­ie­gat­ing orange, pur­ple and blue from my mom, who prob­a­bly bought the yarn in the late 90s.

I’ve nev­er read Ursu­la Le Guin’s Earth­sea series, only saw the ani­mat­ed adap­ta­tion by Stu­dio Ghi­b­li, but thought it’s a fit­ting name for the sweater with its shape and colours. I’d like to read the books one day.

Wish­ing you a fan­tas­tic week!


wip monday

About a week ago I fin­ished the body of the Enchant­ed Mesa sweater! 

And I’ve been work­ing on the sleeves since. I decid­ed to knit them flat, because while I was try­ing to find a tuto­r­i­al about pick­ing up stitch­es for sleeves and using the mag­ic loop at the same time, I read on a blog that knit­ting small cir­cum­fer­ence while drag­ging the entire sweater around and around is a pain. And the time it takes to fid­dle with the stitch­es with a mag­ic loop would prob­a­bly be the same as seam­ing the sleeves lat­er. I can total­ly imag­ine that. 

The one sleeve has dif­fer­ent colour stripes, the oth­er has garter ridges. I’m cur­rent­ly work­ing on the last cou­ple of inch­es of the sec­ond sleeves! :D

Have a hap­py week!


spring knitting

There was this buy one get one free deal for Caron Sim­ply Soft yarn one day at Michaels. I was work­ing on a project that need­ed dark blue at the time and thought I only need­ed one skein. So I picked up this fun self-strip­ing fies­ta colour for the free skein because I love the neon yel­low in it. One of my nieces birth­day was com­ing up soon, so I thought I’d make her a fun vest with it :D (pic­tured above) The pat­tern is from issue 88 of Inside Cro­chet, the Imo­gen cardi­gan. I added the arcade stitch to the bot­tom third of it for more fun :)

And then I end­ed up need­ing more of this blue yarn, so I had to get anoth­er skein, and had the chance to pick up yet anoth­er free skein of fun self-strip­ing yarn!

(One might even sus­pect that I did this on pur­pose so I could get more free skeins to grow my stash rather than just get­ting the 2 skeins of blue that I need­ed in my first round of shop­ping. But I promise I real­ly thought I only need­ed one skein of that blue. Who would want to grow their stash? That’s ridiculous.) 

What do I do with this deli­cious mixed berry colour? Turned out that one of my best friends was vis­it­ing from out of town with her most adorable daugh­ter. So I made anoth­er vest, plus a match­ing bias scarf for mum! :D

I used the Chas­ing Bliz­zard pat­tern for the scarf, but only fol­lowed it loose­ly, because my gauge is dif­fer­ent. It was a lot of fun to knit. Here I am kind of mod­el­ling it so you can see the stitch pat­terns a bit better.

And the bun­ny rock­ing the vest :D It was part of a cardi­gan pat­tern from a very old issue of Cro­chet Today magazine. 

She insist­ed on play­ing with the rice cook­er mea­sur­ing cups at the junc­ture of kitchen and din­ing room. (that was how her mum was able to get a pic­ture of the front of the cardigan)

And spring is the per­fect time to go on a knitting/crocheting/yarn craft­ing adven­ture! Two years ago I par­tic­i­pat­ed in the TTC kni­ta­long, it was a great deal of fun vis­it­ing dif­fer­ent local yarn shops, meet­ing oth­er yarn crafters and knit­ting in pub­lic! (you can see my pic­tures here!). I even got a few exclu­sive pat­terns and won a sweater-quan­ti­ty of hand­spun from one of the shops!

This year the kni­ta­long is going to be on Sat­ur­day July 15! It’s been a huge­ly pop­u­lar event that’s entire­ly run by vol­un­teers, so this year I’m help­ing to orga­nize the event and we need a few more yarn-lov­ing folks to help out! So if Toron­to is your neigh­bour­hood and if you love yarn I think you should absolute­ly join me :D

It’s real­ly a fan­tas­tic event that brings peo­ple togeth­er, draws busi­ness to inde­pen­dent yarn shops and ben­e­fits Sis­ter­ing, a local drop-in and sup­port cen­tre for women. So! The next plan­ning meet­ing is Sat­ur­day May 20 at 1pm, and we can even get ice cream after­wards! :D For more infor­ma­tion and updates, check out the even­t’s Face­book page here.

Hope every­one’s enjoy­ing the sun!


wip friday

A cou­ple of weeks ago I com­plete­ly ran out of knit­ting and cro­chet­ing projects (GASP!) and was feel­ing antsy watch­ing Net­flix with­out yarn and needles/hook in my hands. I’ve been knit­ting and cro­chet­ing for a while now, (that’s an under­state­ment. It’s been decades.) and while I like sim­ple designs, it may be time to stretch and chal­lenge myself a bit. Also, it might be good to work on a project that takes longer because I’m kind of run­ning out of stor­age space for new sweaters and cardigans… 

So! I’ve been eye­ing the Enchant­ed Mesa sweater for a long time but always thought it’s wayyyy beyond my skill lev­el main­ly because it’s knit­ted in the round. I usu­al­ly stay away from projects that are knit­ted in the round. But then Mike point­ed out how he does­n’t under­stand why I say I can’t knit in the round when I can knit almost every­thing else. It was a ques­tion I could­n’t answer. So I thought I must give it a try!

I real­ly like the asym­met­ri­cal-ness of the sweater, and that it’s meant to be knit­ted with odd balls of stash yarn. I have many many many odd balls of stash yarn. And I real­ly like the patch­work look.

So first, the pat­tern says to do a pro­vi­sion­al cast-on. In the round. O_O

So I looked up pro­vi­sion­al cast-on, and mag­ic loop, because the cir­cu­lar nee­dle I have is longer than the cir­cum­fer­ence of the col­lar. (linked the tuto­ri­als I used above in case it’s use­ful to you too!)

Here we have it, knit­ting in the round, pro­vi­sion­al cast-on, mag­ic loop. Nee­dles crossed, eyes crossed, fid­dled for a while, sev­er­al false starts, but I even­tu­al­ly got the hang of knit­ting in the round with a mag­ic loop! :D

But then the next part of the pat­tern is knit­ting short rows back and forth (thank good­ness!), and I could­n’t wrap my head around how I could go from mag­ic loop to knit­ting back and forth. So I decid­ed that I was going to get a short­er cir­cu­lar nee­dle (16″) so I don’t have to do the mag­ic loop. A bit sad that I won’t be using my new skills in this project but at lease I know I can do it!

I should also point out that when I bought the Enchant­ed Mesa pat­tern on Rav­el­ry it comes with the Out­er Space pat­tern also, which is a chunky ver­sion of Enchant­ed Mesa. So I’m com­bin­ing the two pat­terns a bit, using 1x1 rib for the col­lar, because I’m using a stiff acrylic (what a lot of my stash yarn con­sists of, and I was­n’t going to use a nice wool for some­thing I don’t have a lot of con­fi­dence mak­ing in case I mess up :P) and it just won’t drape nice­ly if I try to make a cowl col­lar. I also decid­ed to for­go the pro­vi­sion­al cast-on to make every­thing eas­i­er for myself. I made the ribbed col­lar extra tall so it can be fold­ed down or left up, for an avant garde look, I guess. 

I also had to mod­i­fied the num­ber of cast-on stitch­es and rows in each sec­tion because of the heav­ier yarn I’m using and I want­ed a more fit­ted sweater than what is shown. The many project pages on Rav­el­ry helped a lot.

Slow­ly tak­ing shape! So excit­ed about the asym­met­ri­cal sections! 

Here’s where I’m at cur­rent­ly. Divid­ed for sleeve and placed stitch­es on waste yarn (anoth­er achieve­ment unlocked!) and work­ing on the body. It’s a lot of fun decid­ing on the next colours as I go. It’s my favourite way to knit I think :)

Will keep you post­ed on this knit­ting adventure! 

Have a great week­end, every­one! :D


full heart


Last week­end was a very full one! We went to a farewell par­ty for icon­ic Hon­est Ed’s, orga­nized by Toron­to for Every­one

If you’ve ever vis­it­ed Toron­to, you might have been to Hon­est Ed’s. That was where I like to take out-of-town friends to impress them any­way. It is an enor­mous department/bargain store that lit­er­al­ly invites you to get lost in it. Lit­er­al­ly because there is a sign on the build­ing that says:


Lost part­ly because there was SO much stuff! And so much real­ly dif­fer­ent stuff, all kind of orga­nized in a maze-like for­ma­tion. If you were there for the first time and look­ing for some­thing spe­cif­ic, you’d prob­a­bly get kind of frus­trat­ed, but then quick­ly dis­tract­ed by the cheesy slo­gans hand let­tered in cheer­ful colours everywhere. 

But if you were like me, who lived right across the street from Ed’s for a while and then con­tin­ued to shop or meet peo­ple in the neigh­bour­hood, you’d know exact­ly where to get the 99 cents loaf of bread and tinned fish for lunch, or ban­dan­nas for a sewing exper­i­ment (and this!), or those 2 dol­lar waf­fle shirts for days that turned cold sud­den­ly, or large quan­ti­ty of t‑shirts for sum­mer camp, or socks, or just to get anoth­er pic­ture of that giant plush moose head on top of a grand­fa­ther clock with its eyes pop­ping out, or to kill time, or escape from real­i­ty for a cou­ple of hours in the evening. 

Hon­est Ed’s was named after it’s own­er Ed Mirvish and opened in 1948. As not­ed on Toron­to for Every­one:

“Beyond his bar­gain prices and pun­ny ways, Ed was known for his abil­i­ty to bring peo­ple togeth­er and build com­mu­ni­ty in wacky ways: roller der­bies, 72-hour dance marathons, free turkey give­aways, to name a few. Per­haps most impor­tant of all, Hon­est Ed’s was a mod­el for inclu­siv­i­ty. Every­one, no mat­ter how you looked, what you did, or how much you made — was wel­come at Ed’s. Whether you made a pur­chase or sim­ply enjoyed walk­ing around and brows­ing every­thing from kitchen­wares, cloth­ing, toys, fab­rics, to knick-knacks (SO MANY knick-knacks!), Ed’s had a way of instill­ing won­der and mak­ing you feel at home.”

And from the Jane’s Walk that we par­tic­i­pat­ed in (more on that lat­er), we also learned that he offered very afford­able rental spaces — and they remained afford­able despite the rapid increas­es in rental costs every­where else in the city — to artists and arti­sans in the sur­round­ing Mirvish Village.

There was no place like this place. 

And so a group of good peo­ple brought more good peo­ple togeth­er and orga­nized one last very vibrant mar­ket­place in hon­our of Hon­est Ed’s. 

The jux­ta­po­si­tion of vin­tage glass­ware and under­pants very much cap­tured the spir­it of what this place was.

The artist who hand let­tered all the signs for the store over the past years was there paint­ing cus­tom signs for visitors. 

In 2014 when the news first came out that Hon­est Ed’s will be clos­ing, there was a sale for all the hand let­tered signs used in the stores. So my friend and I went there and lined up for over 5 hours and each got our­selves a few signs. One sits in front of my desk at home, it says “hol­i­day coat­ed marsh­mal­low bis­cuits * 99 cents”. Very spe­cial because it’s got stars on it and they don’t make pen­nies anymore! 

In a dif­fer­ent part of the build­ing there was a com­mu­ni­ty hub, where one could sprawl out and read all the Sun­day flyers…

… and very smi­ley police­men do yoga with the kids.

Mike and I were most look­ing for­ward to the retro ice cream social. (and you can see there is a set­up for music or spo­ken word per­for­mance in the back)

And intu­itive paint­ing! :D

Peo­ple were invit­ed to paint on mer­chan­dise tables. The theme of our table was Hon­est Ed’s.

This was our work! The black dash­es were meant to be foot steps but it’s all get­ting a bit lost there… that was the point I guess :) And Mike paint­ed the streetcar. 

This was under our work by some­one else very talented.

Then we par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Jane’s Walk in Mirvish Vil­lage, where a num­ber of pre­vi­ous ten­ants spoke about the changes they expe­ri­enced after the city block was bought out. At the end peo­ple who went on the walk also shared their sto­ries of Hon­est Ed’s and Ed Mirvish. There were def­i­nite­ly expres­sions of sad­ness about see­ing such impor­tant part of the city go, but there was no anger, or bit­ter­ness, just the acknowl­edge­ment that every­thing good will inevitably come to an end, and there is hope that what is com­ing will car­ry on the lega­cy of embrac­ing diver­si­ty and inclu­sive­ness, and the space will con­tin­ue to bring peo­ple together.

In fact, you can see the vision for the new Mirvish Vil­lage here.

After say­ing good­bye to Hon­est Ed’s, the next day we went to the Warm­ing Toron­to knit­ting day. Here’s the hat I fin­ished :D

It’s a two-colour fish­er­man’s rib hat that was knit­ted flat and seamed togeth­er. I learned the 2‑colour rib pat­tern from this Craft­ster post. The decreas­es are not very neat at all, I’ll learn how to do prop­er decreas­es with this kind of pat­tern next time.

It was a very relax­ing after­noon of knit­ting and hang­ing out with peo­ple who knit :D If you live in the city, the project is still col­lect­ing hats and scarves till March 26! The orga­niz­er can arrange for pick­ups along the sub­way lines. Check out the Face­book event page for details.

Have a love­ly week, every­one! :D



all was well

This week’s quick make! :D

I had quite a bit of left­over untwist­ed mul­ti-colour yarn left from the pink fish­er­man hat project, I thought it would make a great colour block cowl! Also a per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to try the no purl rib pat­tern from Purl Soho, which I have been eye­ing for some time :D

I used 10 mm straight nee­dles, cast on 27 stitch­es, used 2 strands of bulky weight yarn held togeth­er for the grey part, knit­ted till the piece was about 45″ long, then sewed the ends togeth­er to make a cowl. Here’s a bet­ter look at the mag­i­cal­ly made ribbed tex­ture, with no purl­ing involved! 

It is very thick and warm :)

Speak­ing of warm scarves and hats, I’ve just dis­cov­ered that there’s a knit/cro­chet-togeth­er event in the city next Sun­day! If you’re in the city, maybe con­sid­er join­ing me to knit for those who can use some hand­made warmth this win­ter? Warm­ing Toron­to Knit­ting Day is hap­pen­ing next Sun­day Feb. 26, 12:30–6pm at the Impe­r­i­al Pub (Dundas/Yonge). I’ve start­ed anoth­er fish­er­man rib hat for the event!

And of course you notice the rad t‑shirt I’m wear­ing in the first pho­to? :D 

Mike and I final­ly vis­it­ed the Lock­hart, a Har­ry Pot­ter themed bar in the west end of Toron­to, for brunch!

The food was mar­velous and quite afford­able. The Bet­ter Beer (a but­ter beer in my book :D) does not disappoint!

High­ly rec­om­mend if you’re in the neigh­bour­hood, espe­cial­ly if you’ve enjoyed the Har­ry Pot­ter series. (con­fes­sion: I’ve actu­al­ly not read the books, but quite enjoyed the movies! Maybe I’ll read the books one day…)

Wish­ing every­one a love­ly week­end! :D


pink fisherman

Made a colour block hat in bright pink this week­end :D

I usu­al­ly don’t wear bright pink, it’s kind of out­side my com­fort zone, but it’s quite uplift­ing in Feb­ru­ary, where the days are short, grey, cold and snowy.

It incor­po­rates the fish­er­man rib pat­tern that I learned from Purl Soho. The stitch makes an extra squishy fab­ric that’s very cozy for a hat. The hat is worked flat and then seamed. The result­ing fab­ric is also quite stretchy, and I imag­ine the hat will stretch as it is being worn, so the stitch count is con­ser­v­a­tive, and it fits my head com­fort­ably (21″ in cir­cum­fer­ence). But I’ve also includ­ed instruc­tion for a larg­er size in parenthesis.

What I used:

Red Heart Soft Essen­tials in Peony (bulky) — one skein

Con­trast­ing bulky weight yarn (I actu­al­ly used Issac Mizrahi Lex­ing­ton yarn in Irv­ing, it’s a super bulky yarn that I untwist­ed, or split into 2 strands, and only used one strand at a time. It was a very time con­sum­ing, bor­ing task, so I would sug­gest just using a reg­u­lar bulky yarn, unless you’re in love with the Issac Mizrahi yarn like I was.)

6 mm straight needles

Tapes­try needle

Toi­let paper roll and scis­sors (for pom pom)


CO 56 (60) with pink.

Fol­low fish­er­man rib pat­tern for scarf until piece is 4″ from beginning.

Attached con­trast­ing yarn, break off pink, and con­tin­ue in pat­tern until piece is 6″ in length (or desired length, i.e. 7–8″ if you want a bit of a slouch)

Larg­er size only:

Row 1: *work in pat­tern for 8 st, p2 tog* repeat from * to * to end.

Row 2: work in pattern.

Row 3: *work in pat­tern for 7 st, p2 tog* repeat from * to * to end.

Row 4: work in pattern.

For all sizes, con­tin­ue as follows:

Row 1: *work in pat­tern for 6 st, p2 tog* repeat from * to * to end.

Row 2: work in pattern.

Row 3: *work in pat­tern for 5 st, p2 tog* repeat from * to * to end.

Row 4: work in pattern.

Row 5: *work in pat­tern for 4 st, p2 tog* repeat from * to * to end.

Row 6: work in pattern.

Row 7: *work in pat­tern for 3 st, p2 tog* repeat from * to * to end.

Row 8: work in pattern.

Row 9: *work in pat­tern for 2 st, p2 tog* repeat from * to * to end.

Row 10: work in pattern.

Row 11: *work in pat­tern for 1 st, p2 tog* repeat from * to * to end.

Row 12: work in pattern.

Row 13: p2 tog to end. 

Leave a long tail for sewing a break off yarn, weave yarn tail through remain­ing stitch­es, cinch tight­ly and tie off. With wrong side out, use remain­ing yarn tail to sew up seam until pink sec­tion. Fas­ten off con­trast­ing colour yarn tail. Using pink yarn, sew up the rest of the seam in pink sec­tion. Fas­ten off and weave in ends. 

Pom pom making

Flat­ten a toi­let paper roll, and used the flat­tened roll to make the pom pom as if it is a square of card­board. This blog post has a nice pho­to tuto­r­i­al.

As you shape the pom pom, leave the yarn tail that you used to tie the mid­dle of the yarn wrap long. Use the yarn tail to attach the pom pom to the top of the hat.

Have a bright and hap­py week­end, everyone!



holiday crafting

After mak­ing gifts for months before Christ­mas I final­ly had some time to make the things I want­ed for myself! :D 

I lost my gloves on my first day off for the hol­i­days. It was like the 10th pair I’ve lost. I buy the fleece ones from the dol­lar store and they’re the best — they’re warm and the youth size fits me per­fect­ly. But I guess because they’re so easy to replace, I keep los­ing them! And most of the time I don’t even know how or where! So I thought if I were to knit myself a pair of mit­tens, I’d be more care­ful with them. 

I’ve always want­ed to try the Ancient Stitch Mit­tens by Purl Soho, the stitch pat­tern is just so beau­ti­ful. But the thumb part is knit­ted in the round with DPNs. Not that I haven’t done that before, but I’d much rather knit­ting with 2 nee­dles, and I did­n’t real­ly want to get a new set of short DPNs just for this. So I made up a way to knit them flat.

This isn’t a great pho­to, but you can see that I’ve knit­ted the mit­tens in 3 parts — back, thumb, and palm, then joined them togeth­er. Maybe I’ll write anoth­er post explain­ing how I did that in case oth­ers are inter­est­ed. And yes, I was also vis­it­ing with some old friends dur­ing the hol­i­days :) Mike found his copy of Bun­nic­u­la while going through some old stuff at his parents’. 

I also added cuffs so they’d tuck in bet­ter inside my coat’s sleeve cuffs. I was quite hap­py with the fin­ished mit­tens! But they turned out real­ly huge on me, and I’ve used 6 mm nee­dles instead of the 8 or 9 mm nee­dles that the pat­tern called for. My dad end­ed up tak­ing them because they fit him :D

I was deter­mined to give the pat­tern anoth­er try, this time using a lighter yarn and even small­er nee­dles. I used a skein of hand dyed wool that’s slight­ly heav­ier than the reg­u­lar worsted, and used 5.5 mm nee­dles for the mit­tens and 4.5 mm for the cuffs. And they fit much bet­ter! :D

Here’s a bet­ter pic­ture of them.

Anoth­er project I want­ed to make was the pol­ka dot hat. I used the Lov­ing Hat pat­tern by the Garter Stitch Witch, but knit­ted it flat of course. It is a bit of a has­sle to knit this flat because on the purl side I had to car­ry the white yarn all the way across. Some­times I won­der why I’m so stub­born about knit­ting every­thing flat… but any­way, the fair isle knit­ting made the hat extra thick!

My mom want­ed the same hat, and because this one end­ed up being too big for me, I gave her this hat, and made some mod­i­fi­ca­tions to make a small­er hat for myself, with wider spac­ing between pol­ka dots.

For the new year Mike and I decid­ed to make some soup jars for the pantry, since we so often come home from work in the evening with no idea what to make. We used this recipe from She Uncov­ered

Added a bay leaf because it’s pret­ty :D

More projects to come, keep­ing hands busy and mind hap­py with more knit­ting and cro­chet! :D Have a good week­end everyone!


one busy elf!

Now that the hol­i­day’s over, I can show you the Christ­mas gifts I made and all the fun I’ve been hav­ing since the fall! This was one busy elf!

So I made a num­ber of wash cloths, to give with arti­san soaps that I got from craft fairs, very prac­ti­cal gifts that I thought every­one could use :) The but­ter­fly wash cloth is from this Pail­lon Cloth pat­tern, which was a lot of fun to make with a var­ie­gat­ed cot­ton. The tiny fish ones are for my niece and nephews, from this pat­tern on Rav­el­ry. The hang­ing tow­el was a mod­i­fi­ca­tion of the Cir­cle Cloth pat­tern. Also made a cou­ple of these pineap­ple hang­ing tow­els.


I took a work­shop in Novem­ber with my co-work­ers at a glass shop mak­ing mille­fiori pen­dants. I’ve made one for myself before and it was a lot of fun, so I made anoth­er for a gift :)

While mak­ing pom pom hair ties for my sin­cere sock cup­cake project, I thought I’d also try mak­ing some soot sprites hair ties for a cou­ple of Stu­dio Ghi­b­li fans :D

Caught in a per­fect­ly tiny tin! :D (that used to hold some spark­ly tea)

These hedge­hogs mitts are for my niece, made almost entire­ly in com­mute. Excel­lent pat­tern from

Spent a cou­ple of Sun­day after­noons at the Gar­diner Muse­um drop-in clay class, and made an army of orna­ments and tea bag hold­ers! It was a great way to spend a week­end after­noon cre­ative­ly, must go back sometimes!

And my newest inven­tion — sushi sock rolls! :D For my dear friend’s baby. I used this 2‑needle baby sock pat­tern, but had to mod­i­fy it quite a bit to get the black part long enough to roll around. So the socks are faaar­rr too big for the baby right now, they’re more for a tod­dler. But they’ll fit soon enough! And the idea is that when the child out grows the socks, they can be rolled up and sewed togeth­er per­ma­nent­ly and be used as play food, or a pin cush­ion :D

 Now, the biggest project ever under­tak­en — behold the polar bear blanket!!!

I’ve been work­ing on it for months and it’s for my par­ents! Wish I have a bet­ter pic­ture of it, but it’s just so big! I did­n’t have the room in my place or my par­ents’ for a good pho­to shoot. So here it is on my par­ents’ bed :) This is my first attempt at cor­ner-to-cor­ner cro­chet as well. I first made the polar bear blan­ket from Sim­ply Cro­chet mag­a­zine (issue 50), then thought my par­ents would prob­a­bly like a larg­er blan­ket. So I thought I’d add squares around it. I used the pine cone pat­tern from Make & Do Crew, then found and mod­i­fied some knit­ting and cross-stitch­ing graphs to make the snowflakes and the north star. Dis­cov­ered that Microsoft Excel is a great pro­gram to draft cro­chet charts! 

And now, one great gift I received from my sis­ter — from the awe­some Out of Print cloth­ing, a Miss Pere­grine shirt!

Stay pecu­liar and lev­i­tate!

(Well, maybe not too much lev­i­ta­tion this year. I haven’t tried tak­ing this kind of pho­tos for a while, and then after­wards my knees were a bit sore… anoth­er year old­er, after all. But stay pecu­liar, definitely!)

Hap­py first week of Jan­u­ary! Hope every­one had a re-ener­giz­ing hol­i­day and have a great start to the new year! :D



friendship and hospitality


I was think­ing of mak­ing some prac­ti­cal Christ­mas gifts for fam­i­ly. I thought of mak­ing wash cloths. Because every­one can use more wash cloths. And I made a cou­ple using this excel­lent pat­tern from Haku­cho. It’s a lot of fun to knit using var­ie­gat­ed yarn!


And then I thought I could mod­i­fy the stitch pat­tern a bit and make some hand-dry­ing tow­els. I know that the spe­cif­ic gift recip­i­ents I’m think­ing of are always invit­ing peo­ple over and host­ing gath­er­ings for fam­i­ly and friends. And the hexa­gon pat­tern lends itself eas­i­ly to the mak­ing of a pineap­ple, and pineap­ple is a sym­bol of warm wel­come, friend­ship and hos­pi­tal­i­ty (read more here if you’re inter­est­ed!). So the pineap­ple hand-dry­ing tow­el pat­tern was cre­at­ed. And since it is a sym­bol of friend­ship, it must be shared ^_^

I used Bernat Hand­i­crafter Cot­ton in “Lemon Swirl” and “Sage Green”. I wish I could find a brighter yel­low and a lighter green, but there weren’t any oth­er kind of worsted cot­ton at the Michaels I vis­it­ed. But I think over­all it still looks like a pineapple.


This pat­tern uses both knit­ting and cro­chet. Cro­chet is only used in the top (green, hang­ing) part. It’s not com­pli­cat­ed, just involves mak­ing chains, sin­gle cro­chet and slip stitch.

I used two 4.5 mm straight nee­dles and a 3.5 mm cro­chet hook. Also used tapes­try nee­dle for sewing and a 1‑inch button.

Knit — pineap­ple body:

First, down­load the free Cir­cle Cloth pat­tern from Haku­cho. (I know it’s a bit annoy­ing to go back and forth between two pat­terns, but the knit­ting pat­tern isn’t mine so I don’t want to repro­duce it here — so please bear with me >_<)

With green, CO 14.

Row 1: p all stitches.

Row 2: kfb all stitch­es (28 st).

Rows 3–8: Attach yel­low, work pat­tern rows 3–8 in Cir­cle Cloth pattern.

Row 9: Switch to green, work pat­tern row 9 in Cir­cle Cloth pattern.

Row 10: k2, *k1fb, k1*, repeat from * to * across until last 3 st, k3 (40 st).

Rows 11–12: Work pat­tern rows 11–12 in Cir­cle Cloth pattern.

Rows 13–18: Switch to yel­low, work pat­tern rows 3–8 in Cir­cle Cloth pattern.

Rows 19–22: Switch to green, work pat­tern rows 9–12 in Cir­cle Cloth pattern.

Rows 23–28: With yel­low, work pat­tern rows 13–18 in Cir­cle Cloth pattern.

Rows 29–32: With green, work pat­tern rows 19–22 in Cir­cle Cloth pattern.

Now there should be 3 sec­tions of yel­low completed.

Repeat pat­tern rows 3–22 in Cir­cle Cloth pat­tern 3 more times. Then repeat pat­tern rows 3–8 once more. There should be 10 sec­tions of yel­low alto­geth­er. Fas­ten off yellow.

Pineap­ple top row 1: With green, work pat­tern row 9 in Cir­cle Cloth pattern.

Row 2: k1, k2tog to last st, k1.

Row 3: p1, p2tog to last st, p1. (11 st.)

Row 4: k all st.

Row 5: p all st.

BO all st, don’t fas­ten off. Insert cro­chet hook in last remain­ing loop.


Cro­chet — pineap­ple top:

The pineap­ple top is cro­cheted in loops. We’ll first make 2 loops attached to the pineap­ple top, then make 3 longer loops going from the pineap­ple top and attached togeth­er at the top cre­at­ing a but­ton­hole tap, and end with 2 loops attached to the pineap­ple top, like so…


Loop 1: From where we left off in the knit­ting part, ch 25, sc in same st at begin­ning of ch. When cro­chet­ing into the knit part, be sure to insert hook through both loops in the BO stitches.


Loop 2: ch 25, sc in next BO st.

Loop 3: sc in next BO st, ch 42, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 5 ch, ch 35, sc in next BO st at pineap­ple top.

Loop 4: sc in next BO st, ch 35, sc in each sc in the 6‑sc row that was made in loop 3, ch 1, turn (turn­ing ch does not count as a st), sc in first sc, ch 3, skip 3 sc, sc in next 2 sc, ch 35, sc in next BO st.

Loop 5: sc in next BO st, ch 35, sc in next 2 sc at top of loop 4, 3 sc in next ch 3 sp, sc in last sc, ch 1, turn, sc in next 6 sc, ch 35, sc in next BO st.

Loop 6: sc in next BO st, ch 25, sc in next BO st.

Loop 7: ch 25, sl st in same st at begin­ning of ch, fas­ten off. Weave in ends.

Sew but­ton to the knit part of the pineap­ple top. And we’re done! :D


Hope you like the project and have fun if you do give it a try. Have a fab­u­lous first week of Octo­ber! :D