this week’s levitations


 This was from ear­li­er in the spring. My par­ents’ gar­den just start­ed growing.



 Bloom­ing trees in the neigh­bour­hood :D



 A real­ly warm week­end by Lake Huron.



 This is one of my very favourite so far. At the Toron­to Pub­lic Labyrinth, with a bit of his­to­ry:

“As many labyrinths are found near the water, this labyrinth is locat­ed on the for­mer course of Tad­dle Creek, a stream that has been buried for more than one hun­dred and fifty years. The gran­ite blocks that have been set into the paving at the entrance to the labyrinth and the near­by water fea­ture in the square serve as reminders of this buried creek.”


Have a great week, everyone!


this week’s levitation


When it’s real­ly sun­ny out even my point and shoot cam­era works well with the lev­i­ta­tion shoots.


levitate20aMike and I spent an after­noon in the Dis­tillery. It was a bit cold and rainy so the streets were quite emp­ty, per­fect for pho­to shoots.








When peo­ple saw this they com­ment­ed that it looked like the crea­ture was suck­ing me into its mouth. But the sto­ry­line I had in my mind at the moment involves a ten­ta­tive encounter with a crea­ture that every­one was afraid of and avoid­ing, and find­ing out that there is noth­ing to be afraid of at all, that the crea­ture real­ly just wants to be under­stood. Much like an encounter with fear itself.



And for this one I was think­ing about Val­ley of the Wind, involv­ing a char­ac­ter who befriends mutant insects. This crea­ture used to have one giant red eye. Not sure why it does­n’t anymore.




Float­ing for­ward and rest­ing by the pond. These were tak­en with a phone. Not bad huh.


Have a great week, everyone!







this week’s levitation

levitate15Rainy day.


levitate16Still so cold…


levitate17… but final­ly some spring sun­shine! (took this one with my own point & shoot rest­ing on a crack­er tin :D Not bad huh. Usu­al­ly these pic­tures are tak­en with Mike’s fanci­er camera)


Have been away from the blog for a while tak­ing care of final papers. I made a cardi­gan a while ago but still haven’t been able to post it! Hope to do that soon. 

Have a love­ly week, everyone.







this week’s levitation


I’m real­ly rather proud of this one.



Inspired by this quote:
“Drink­ing a cup of tea, I stop the war.” — Stephen Levine


Photo 2013-03-27 11 28 14 PM

Test shot, but I liked how it turned out.


Photo 2013-03-27 11 31 02 PM

Dou­ble lev­i­ta­tion! Need more prac­tice, but it was fun :D



In my par­ents’ back­yard, enjoy­ing one of the first warm days of spring.



Say­ing hi to my neigh­bours in the build­ing across the street.


Float on! :D







(almost) daily levitation



I’ve long been fas­ci­nat­ed by Nat­su­mi Hayashi’s lev­i­ta­tion pho­tos. I have recur­ring dreams about float­ing around in air, and her pho­tos just reminds me so much of those dreams. 

It’s pret­ty good exer­cise, I think, jump­ing repeat­ed­ly to get a good pho­to. Giv­en that I don’t real­ly exer­cise at all, I try to not to strain myself by tak­ing just one pic­ture a day. You can see my very first attempt in this post. The pic­ture above is a sec­ond attempt. Mike joined in the fun too :D



My sub­se­quent attempts over the week. Loung­ing around on my day off…



Get­ting some yarn…



My best attempt yet! So proud of this one. Love the lit­tle clouds in the cor­ner, and Flash Point on TV!



My most recent attempt. Tea time (please excuse the bag of garbage wait­ing to go out…).



I got a lot of inspi­ra­tions from this pho­tog­ra­ph­er, a fel­low Cana­di­an from Van­cou­ver! :D 

Also, check out this inter­view of Nat­su­mi Hayashi on the New York Times blog! So many peo­ple in the com­ments also said that they have fly­ing dreams. What would Jung say about that…

Hop­ing to lev­i­tate out­doors on the grass when the snow melts!

Have a splen­did Sun­day, everyone!


Alright don’t wor­ry even if things end up a bit too heavy
We’ll all float on alright.
– Mod­est Mouse