oh glorious summer

The glo­ri­ous final weeks of sum­mer hol­i­day! Worked on a pile of projects :D 

Was vis­it­ing Kath­leen’s blog the oth­er day and found tons of cool stuff to make! Includ­ing this star-shaped blan­ket (fol­low­ing a pat­tern called Beth’s Lit­tle Star — I just had to make it!)… Â 

I called it the rain­bow road blan­ket, because the colours remind­ed me of the rain­bow road lev­el in Mario Kart. It’s for for my young niece (who is very cute and ami­able and reminds me a lot of Ponyo as she’s start­ing to talk and walk) and her soon-to-be-born sib­ling :D

Also inspired by Kath­leen’s blog is this book­worm book­mark! Her yarn­bomb­ing with book­worms is inge­nious and TOTALLY AWESOME! I would love to do that one day. So far I’ve made one for a book-lov­ing friend :D

I used an orange yarn because I kind of want­ed it to look like Slimey from the Muppets. 

This granny shrug has been on my to-cro­chet list for a long time. I made it with a light fuzzy yarn the colour of Prince Edward Island’s red soil. Not a style I usu­al­ly wear, and can’t see the granny square (actu­al­ly, it’s two hexa­gons stitched togeth­er) pat­tern very well, but it’s real­ly soft! Very com­fort­able for loung­ing in at home, I think.

Then I sewed a dress. With fab­ric I got from my mom’s col­lec­tion. It’s a very soft kind of fab­ric with love­ly pol­ka dots and I’ve been want­i­ng to make some­thing sum­mery with it for a long time. Was hav­ing a very moti­vat­ing con­ver­sa­tion with my friends about sewing dress­es, so I thought instead of mak­ing the square top that I make a lot of, I’d try to sew a dress!

It’s actu­al­ly still a square top with faux but­ton pan­els (which means that the but­tons are just sewed on, there are no but­ton holes), for which I got the idea from C&C’s tuto­r­i­al. The top was cut to a mid-waist length, then I sewed on a skirt made with two trape­zoid pieces of fab­ric. I found enough yel­low but­tons in my col­lec­tion that looked like lemon drops :D

And last but not least, shop update for the fall season!

The fall har­vest treat mag­net set! Here’s a close­up of the pump­kin pie, which I’m rather hap­py with…

I actu­al­ly made his cousin first, which has an upper crust, because I did­n’t know that pump­kin pies aren’t like apple or straw­ber­ry pies, they don’t have upper crusts! (prob­a­bly because I don’t bake very much, and did­n’t grow up in a coun­try where pump­kin pies were pop­u­lar) Mike remind­ed me of that and I remade the pie slice.

I also start­ed Christ­mas-elf­ing (i.e. mak­ing Christ­mas presents) and made 3 scarves, but of course I can’t show you those yet… ;)

Off to the Bruce Penin­su­la this long week­end! Will bring back lots of pictures!

Have a love­ly week­end, everyone!





the magical value village

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again — Val­ue Vil­lage is a mag­i­cal place.


It tru­ly is! I have a pair of capris that I tried to turn into shorts, but then I cut too much and it was too short, so I thought I could length­en them with some hem trim­ming. And I thought some vin­tage fab­ric would look cool. So I had in my head this vision of a yel­low flo­ral vin­tage sheet and looked through hun­dreds of list­ings on Etsy but could­n’t find any­thing I wanted. 

So I thought I’d make a trip to Val­ue Vil­lage and give it a try. And it was right there, wait­ing for me on a hang­er in the linen department…


It was per­fect! Not only was it the pat­tern I was envi­sion­ing, it was also a ginor­mous king size sheet for 4.99! There are parts of it that are more yel­low and parts of it more grassy green. I think I’m going to make a 1960-esque sun dress with the rest of it :D

I got so car­ried away try­ing to find a sun dress pat­tern I almost for­got about trim­ming the shorts. But here they are :D


Love­ly pat­tern, eh?


Also from the linen depart­ment I found a pil­low case made of a very light fab­ric with leaf pat­terns. I’ve always want­ed a leaf pat­tern top :D (I used a square blouse pat­tern like this one.)


That’s not it. On my way out of the linen depart­ment I spot­ted this… *gasp*


YARN!!! It’s YARN!!! 4 skeins of this soft mot­tled brown/tan wool for 2.99. It kinds of look like rov­ing, but it’s 30% wool + 70% acrylic. Don’t know what I’m going to make with it yet, but I like the colours a lot.

See? Val­ue Vil­lage is a mag­i­cal place :D


On a sep­a­rate note, it was my niece Lucy’s first birth­day last week and I mailed this to her…


Because she’s also known as Queen Lucy (as in Queen Lucy of Nar­nia). And because it might be use­ful for future dress-up games. I made it fol­low­ing this pat­tern. It can be quite a ver­sa­tile crown for a queen, king, princess, prince, or oth­er royalties. 

I was going to sew on some but­tons, but then I thought but­tons could be chok­ing haz­ards. So I embroi­dered with some pur­ple yarn instead. 

I don’t think Queen Lucy would mind me try­ing on her crown to show my blog friends.

Mike and I lat­er got a pho­to her wear­ing it and spin­ning :D


Have a won­der­ful week, everyone!





weekend quick sew


Hel­lo, friends! :D

Made this quick­ly one after­noon out of the back piece of an old, over­sized sleep shirt.


The mate­r­i­al is very light and soft and com­fort­able. I avoid­ed using the front of the shirt, which has a spark­ly sheep print­ed on it, but the back piece was not quite long enough so I had to sal­vage the bot­tom part of the front piece. And I sewed the pieces togeth­er with the seam allowance fac­ing out, makes it more inter­est­ing. It’s so great that knit mate­r­i­al does­n’t fray.


Have a hap­py Sunday!




graduation dress


I was brows­ing on Pin­ter­est the oth­er day and saw some­one pinned a “grad­u­a­tion dress”. I thought it was such a great idea, to make a spe­cial dress for one’s grad­u­a­tion. I had a grad­u­a­tion com­ing up and a nice piece of fab­ric lying around, enough to make a dress. So I start­ed search­ing for “easy dress­ing sewing pat­tern” and came upon this pat­tern from Bur­da Style.


Hey, that looks like some­thing I could make with­out a pat­tern. Because it looks just like an extend­ed square blouse. 

So, it’s not as neat, but here’s my ver­sion of it :D


Look! I was even wear­ing black tights and a red glass bead neck­lace. That pho­to from Bur­da Style real­ly inspired this outfit.

I did tweak my usu­al square blouse pat­tern a bit. The shoul­ders are tilt­ed a bit down­ward toward the arms, the waist is tak­en in to give it more shape.

And I did wear it to my grad­u­a­tion :D

The direc­tor was very thought­ful and had cor­sages for all the grad­u­ates. And you can see the faint flo­ral pat­tern on my dress a bit bet­ter in this photo.


Mike was wear­ing a match­ing tie! :D In fact, I made him that skin­ny tie fol­low­ing this tuto­r­i­al.

The grad­u­a­tion was for the art ther­a­py diplo­ma that I tech­ni­cal­ly com­plet­ed two years ago. But because it’s such a small school and small pro­gram, it takes a while to get a large enough group of grad­u­ates to have a grad­u­a­tion ceremony.

But it’s still a real­ly excit­ing time! :D

So hap­py that my sis­ter is back from her stud­ies in Hong Kong so she could come to the grad­u­a­tion :D


It was in a build­ing cov­ered in vines (not our school build­ing. The school rent­ed a space in this build­ing for the ceremony).


Works as a casu­al dress on a dif­fer­ent day. Found this awe­some tree in a near­by park with a nice strong branch that makes a nat­ur­al seat.


And this whole grad­u­a­tion expe­ri­ence just made me think about how impor­tant it is to know that oth­er peo­ple believe in me, to hear peo­ple say to me that “I know you can do it”, even though I don’t believe that I can at times. More impor­tant­ly, it makes me think about how impor­tant it is for me to say to oth­ers that I believe in them. To have faith that they are able to do the things that they want to do, over­come the chal­lenges they face, reach new heights in their life jour­neys. And to inter­act with peo­ple in a way that express this faith. 

I for­get some­times, but some­thing I’m try­ing to be more con­scious of.


Have an awe­some Tuesday!






polo refashion


Look what I did with my old Star­bucks work clothes! :D

I was just about to toss these black polo shirts out, because I don’t real­ly like polo shirts. They were already in the dona­tion bag. But then I saw this refash­ion tuto­r­i­al from C&C.

Wear the shirt back­wards and swap out the plain black but­tons for colour­ful ones! It’s brilliant.

Mine was­n’t a men’s shirt like the one used in the tuto­r­i­al, so I did­n’t have to take the sides in. Just cut off the col­lar and hemmed the neck­line, and added red buttons. There was anoth­er one I that refash­ioned in the same way; I did­n’t even swap out the but­tons because I liked the white iri­des­cen­t ones that came with the shirt.

Very sim­ple. And I’ve got two new shirts to wear! :D


May your week be filled with sim­ple joys.




treasures from the yardage sale

Vis­it­ed a yardage sale at the Tex­tile Muse­um this week! 


I did­n’t take this pic­ture, was too busy dig­ging into the piles of fab­ric. I found the pic­ture from Strand News, prob­a­bly from last year’s yardage sale? It’s just as crowd­ed, if not more crowd­ed, this year! There were line­ups going into the mul­ti­ple tents and once inside it was shoul­der-to-shoul­der from one end of the tent to the other. 

At the end I brought home these small pieces. I thought they’d make good fab­ric-cov­ered but­tons (note the chick­en in a pot piece! Not sure what to do with it yet but it’s so awe­some-look­ing I had to bring it home).


Tiny straw­ber­ries, isn’t it so sweet?


This is a larg­er piece, enough to make a dress. I like the tiny splash­es of bright colours in it.


Think­ing about using it to make this dress in particular…


From the book I Am Cute Dress (got the pic­ture from the Crafty­pod review). Not sure if you can see it in the pic­ture but the front but­ton pan­el shifts down­ward, cre­at­ing some inter­est­ing-look­ing folds.

It requires draw­ing a pat­tern, so I’ll have to wait until sum­mer school is over…

But a neck­lace! A neck­lace I can make in half an hour or so! :D


From the yardage sale I bought these bright red glass beads (about 10 mm in diam­e­ter). I strung them togeth­er on a teal piece of yarn with dou­ble knots in between :D

I did­n’t have clasps. So I made my own with some wire.


I made the top a cou­ple of weeks ago. Bought the fab­ric when I was in high school and made a peas­ant shirt with it. I wore that shirt a lot, I liked how soft the fab­ric was. It got paint on it and the elas­tics were all loose, so I had to retire it. But I recent­ly found the left­over fab­ric at my par­ents’, just enough to make a square top :D


Have a great week everyone!




another cubby update


Good news! The rings and ear­rings sold well, so I spent the past week­end mak­ing more :D

Amongst the new things that I tried, my favourite is the nest ring. A friend gave me a large bag of scrap yarn and I found this lush green yarn in it. Thought it would make a nice cozy spring nest.


Reminds me of the green nest in this game that Mike has been play­ing, called Tiny Wings.

And then there was the coral ring, with a spark­ly but­ton in the centre.


These aren’t for the shop, I made them for my broth­er and sis­ter-in-law because they moved to a new home :D and they love wear­ing buttons.


But they inspired the idea for this ocean love necklace.


The updat­ed cub­by! :D


On a cro­chet-relat­ed note, I start­ed on this pullover from Vogue Cro­chet! (I was so excit­ed when the issue came out :D)


Ah, kind of a small pic­ture, but if you click on it it will bring you to the page where you can view a larg­er image. 

I got con­fused by stitch count for the first pat­tern row because I was watch­ing an espe­cial­ly excit­ing episode of Grimm at the same time, so I’ll have to start over. But isn’t it beau­ti­ful? I like it.


Have a hap­py Thursday!



cubby update!


Mak­ing more stuff for my friend Jes­si­ca’s shop. This sim­ple ring was my favourite out of the batch. I called it the robin’s egg.

Love the red and teal togeth­er. The but­ton is iri­des­cent. Even used a metal­lic thread to sew on the but­ton for a bit of sparkle. Was tempt­ed to keep it but I don’t real­ly wear rings oth­er than my wed­ding band.


On anoth­er thought, I think I will bring it home if it does­n’t get sold by the end of the month :P

Some cher­ry blos­som rings.


Made ring stands for them out of an old birth­day card I received. 


Tried some­thing new and made fab­ric cov­ered but­tons. My friend who is the shop own­er said that ear­rings are pop­u­lar. Have been want­i­ng to try mak­ing fab­ric cov­ered but­tons for a while, but haven’t found a trust­wor­thy glue to attach but­tons to ear­ring posts. When I told my friend that she said, “mak­ing dan­gling ones!“ 

Great idea, Jess! :D


The ear­ring wires came with plain met­al beads, which I swapped out for oth­er kinds of beads to go with the fabric.

I also don’t have a fab­ric but­ton mak­er, so I cov­ered the back of the but­ton with some hand sewing, with a wire hoop sewn in for dangling.


It’s quite a pleas­ant med­i­ta­tive process actu­al­ly. I’m hop­ing to make more. Now when­ev­er I look at fab­rics my mind would think: how would that look on a button?

The spring gar­den brooches were sold out! :D (I only made two, but still.) So I restocked with moon flower brooches. 


I made up that name, moon flower, but I lat­er looked it up and they do exist! I’ve seen them in a park before and called them origa­mi flow­ers because of the way the petals are fold­ed togeth­er. Here’s a video doc­u­ment­ing how it unfolds at night­time. It’s quite magical.

Alto­geth­er now :D


Real­ly hav­ing fun with this new ven­ture. So grate­ful for the opportunity! 

Have a hap­py Wednesday!




summer sewing, episode skirt shirt


I made this from an old skirt that was passed on to me :D

It’s invert­ed — the hem made the shoulder/neck, and the waist is still the waist.

Actu­al­ly, the band of fab­ric around the waist was­n’t in the orig­i­nal skirt. I cut too far below the orig­i­nal waist to avoid the zip­per, but that made the shirt too short. So I lat­er sewed on extra fab­ric to extend its length.

Have a sweet evening! 



sewing frenzy, episode honest ed!

Before show­ing you the blous­es and skirt I made, this is the place where I got the fabric.

Hon­est Ed’s! If you’re ever in Toron­to, be sure to vis­it Hon­est Ed’s, it’s one of the most awe­some places on my list! An old-fash­ioned dis­count store that sells pret­ty much every­thing. AND! All the signs in the store are still hand-paint­ed! It also has the most bizarre dec­o­ra­tions. This giant one-eyed zom­bie elk clock is locat­ed between house­ware and menswear. 

Any­hoo, I saw this tuto­r­i­al for mak­ing a blouse with scarves, so I wan­dered into Hon­est Ed’s with the inten­tion of find­ing scarves. They did­n’t have a wide selec­tion that fits what I’m look­ing for, but then I spot­ted the ban­danas! Loved the pat­tern on them, and they were 50¢ a piece. I thought if I stitch two togeth­er I would have just enough fab­ric to make a square top! :D


I like that there are brown stripes down the sides and at the shoul­der seams.


Also goes with my magen­ta cardi­gan! :D (And it looks much bet­ter when I ask some­one else to take full-length pic­tures of me. Look, I can even hold a plant as a prop.)


I did get two scarves to make a blouse from the tuto­r­i­al, but the scarves I bought were much wider than the ones in the tuto­r­i­al, so the blouse is very flut­tery :D


And then I bought more ban­danas to make a skirt! Basi­cal­ly I sewed 3 ban­danas togeth­er into a very wide tube. Then I made anoth­er fab­ric tube that was the same width but a bit short­er with some white light weight fab­ric left­over from an Ikea cur­tain for a lin­ing. I sewed the two tubes togeth­er along the top edge, then fold­ed down the top edge to make a cas­ing for elas­tic. And that is all :D 


The top I made last sum­mer from a men’s shirt.

Over the week­end my mom gave me a bunch of fab­ric from her years of col­lec­tion — some came from Hong Kong! :D I remem­ber going to fab­ric shops (and yarn shops!) with her when I was a kid. There was always a musty but strange­ly com­fort­ing smell amongst the bolts of fab­ric. I can cer­tain­ly keep mak­ing square tops but I think I’m going to try adding some small details or variations. 

Have a great day! :D