content sharing

I love, love, love cro­chet­ing. It makes me so hap­py. And I love to spread the joy of cro­chet­ing by shar­ing the pat­terns that I make up along the way. Some­times I also try to make up tuto­ri­als using oth­er mate­ri­als.

So, you’re wel­come to

  • make things with the patterns/tutorials for gifts or per­son­al use.
  • sell the fin­ished prod­ucts made from the patterns/tutorials, but please cred­it this blog and include a link to the pat­tern.
  • use images or brief quotes from this blog for per­son­al use only, and please remem­ber to cred­it this blog and link back direct­ly.
  • show me your cre­ations! I would love to see them and hear your feed­back! Just leave a com­ment! :D

But please…

  • do not redis­trib­ute, resell, rewrite, or repost the entire patterns/tutorials; if you’d like to share the patterns/tutorials on oth­er web­sites or pub­li­ca­tions, please sim­ply include a link to this blog.

I also like to feature/link to pho­tos of awe­some crafts, tuto­ri­als and inspi­ra­tions I find on oth­er blogs in “this week’s awe­some finds” and oth­er posts. I try to be very dili­gent in look­ing up each blog’s pol­i­cy regard­ing con­tent shar­ing before bor­row­ing images, and will not repost the images with­out ask­ing if per­mis­sion is required, and will def­i­nite­ly not repost if the blog own­er indi­cates that it is not okay to do so. But some­times I miss such pol­i­cy state­ments even when I’ve scanned through your blog, and if I’ve post­ed your pho­tos and you’re not okay with it please send me an email (see below) and let me know, I will take down the pho­to as quick­ly as I can.

Ques­tions? Feel free to email me at gen­uine­mud­pie [at] gmail [dot] com!

Thank you so much for vis­it­ing! Enjoy the pat­terns!

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9 thoughts on “content sharing

  1. trish,
    i saw the pat­tern for the plush clutch on knit­ting i made one accord­ing to your direc­tions then added some of my own stuff. i cro­cheted a flow­er and leaves to add to the flap and made a Knot but­ton from the yarn. real­ly cute. do you have any sug­ges­tions on how to line it. i’m not real­ly hap­py with the way i did it.

    1. Hi Lor­raine,

      Thank you for vis­it­ing! I’m glad you like the pat­tern and your added touch sounds fab­u­lous! In terms of lin­ing the bag, I just used the tuto­ri­al from Future­girl for sewing the lin­ing ( and for sewing the lin­ing into the cro­chet bag (

      Hope that helps! Hap­py craft­ing!


  2. Hey Trish! Love your blog! I just start­ed my You Tube chanel and I’m total­ly going to give you props on my next vlog. I’ve been mak­ing bean­ies, scarfs, cowls, and jew­el­ry but stum­bled across your neck warmer on Rav­el­ry and fol­lowed it here. SO dar­ling! It gave me a burst of cre­ative inspi­ra­tion, I can’t wait to share and hope­ful­ly help add to your fol­low­ing! Cheers love!! Jay­de

  3. Hi! I’ve start­ed mak­ing some of your cro­cheted baby krak­ens, and they’re incred­i­bly fun to do. Thank you so much for shar­ing the pat­tern.

  4. Hi Trish, I have only been cro­chet­ing for 6 months and love your sun buck­et hat. i am hav­ing a lit­tle trou­ble fig­ur­ing out how you do your increas­es. it does­nt make sense to me from oth­er pat­terns. could you explain a row with increase in a dif­fer­ent man­ner for me? I real­ly want to make this hat, it is so adorable and unique. I live in Az so sun hats are a must. Thanks, Julie

    1. hel­lo julie! thanks for try­ing out the buck­et hat pat­tern. when­ev­er the pat­tern says “inc.”, that means increase. it means that instead of just mak­ing one hdc in the ch 1 space, make 1 hdc, ch 1, and 1 hdc in the same ch 1 space. i hope this helps!

  5. Hi Trish, Yes thank you , that helps clar­i­fy it for me. I was doing too many increas­es and knew it looked too big. I will start over and let you know. It is the cutest hat ever. I know my daugh­ter 42yrs. will want one when she sees it! Keep up the great designs. Sin­cere­ly, Julie

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