
Here you will find most­ly pat­terns for quick, small cro­chet plush or amigu­ru­mi. There are also tuto­ri­als for a few quick craft projects. Please see con­tent shar­ing for terms on using the­se pat­terns and tuto­ri­als. If you spot a mis­take or want clar­i­fi­ca­tions for any of the pat­terns and tuto­ri­als please feel free to con­tact me.

*Note on cro­chet pat­terns: please note that the pat­terns are intend­ed for cro­cheters who are famil­iar with basic stitch­es (i.e. chain, sin­gle cro­chet, dou­ble cro­chet, triple cro­chet, slip stitch), com­mon abbre­vi­a­tions (i.e. ch, sc, dc, tr, sl st), and cro­chet­ing in rounds. The pat­terns are usu­al­ly quite straight­for­ward though, so with some prac­tice of the basic stitch­es I believe that an absolute begin­ner can suc­cess­ful­ly fol­low any of the pat­terns below. If you’re not famil­iar with cro­chet and inter­est­ed in learn­ing I’d rec­om­mend the com­pre­hen­sive Lion Brand Learn-to-Cro­chet guide.

Hap­py craft­ing!

cup­cake socks + pom pom hair tie

sparkles ear­rings 2

pineap­ple hand-dry­ing towl (knit & cro­chet)

Sailor Moon trans­for­ma­tion brooch key­chain

hong­dae sum­mer top

ode to Nyan Cat card­hold­er

toasty blan­ket

fin­gerknit­ted ear­warmer

ramen cardi­gan (pat­tern adap­ta­tion)

water’s edge

ginkgo shrug

tiny nigiri

tiny maki

tiny donut

rad radish

sil­ver­woods (pat­tern adap­ta­tion)

ode to hed­wig

grownup cardi­gan

sparkles ear­rings

cozy mit­tens

new squir­rel (scroll down for pat­tern)


foliage gar­land


squin­ty fox

tiny wings


wee bear

mush­room 2 ways


mighty acorn

white squir­rel


lat­tice cropped top (pat­tern adap­ta­tion)

avi­a­tion (neck scarf pat­tern adap­ta­tion)

tini­est nar­whal

Blues sweater

t-shirt to tank top


Saku­ra cir­cle scarf

Sher­bert, the yeti

fun foam stamp­ing

pastel half-lace dress

ginkgo half-lace top

young krak­en


buck­et of sun

cir­cus sweater

super quick pen­guin tots

sim­ple lantern

shirt to cardi­gan, with cro­chet but­ton holes

Kat­su, the nin­ja squir­rel

fray-free seams

red belt

twisty belt

beaver tail

Mobile Casey & Stripy Jack

Adorn plas­tic head­band with elec­tri­cal tape bow

tea rose for pony

dumpling + soy sauce

recy­cling bin kalei­do­scope (with turn­able & inter­change­able lens­es)

shrink plas­tic teacup charm

quick teacup book­mark (with tem­plates)

plarn bet­ta

rain­bow cake slice

plush clutch

tater tots


give peas a chance!

threadless fes­tive brooch

fes­tive brooches

quick & warm

slice o’mooncake

can­dy corn

moti­va­tion­al mini wheat

cuff / sleeve


piña colada


saku­ra mochi

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34 thoughts on “tutorials

  1. Hi again, your tuto­ri­als are ter­ri­fic and so cute. I want to make one of every­thing and put them in a hand­made box. Pass­ing them would make me smile and we all need to smile! Lu x

    1. i AGREE!!!! I love the lit­tle ones sooo much!!! I want to make all of them but it might take a while… oh well!!!

  2. I made ur ground­hog pat­tern! all your pat­terns are so kawaii! thank u 4 post­ing the­se won­der­ful pat­terns!

  3. Hej Trish

    Wauw, fan­tas­tic stuff.. Real­ly should learn how to cro­chet. Great design and good pics.
    Regards from Copen­hagen

  4. Hal­lo Trish
    Schön ‚dass ich deine Seite gefun­den habe.Danke für all die Anleitun­gen ‚Inspi­ra­tio­nen und Ideen.
    Beson­ders der Pul­li mit dem Ginko –Muster gefällt mir sehr.
    Aber auch Fuchs und Dachs sind so süß und toll für eine Brosche für ein kleines Geschenk.
    Viele liebe Grüße und noch viele tolle Ideen das wün­scht dir

  5. What do you mean by mag­ic ring? I just need to know how many chains to make the cir­cle. I wish to make the red fox. Adorable. Thank you

  6. I made a cute adult sized knit bear hat, I would so love a cute tiny bee applique/motif cro­chet or knit pat­tern for me to make to attach to this hat and give the hat the tiny bit more cute­ness to the hat.I love your tuto­ri­als, they are so awesome!I print­ed a few of them out… I cant wait to try them :D

  7. I crochet/knit mats and toys for Cat & Dog Res­cues. The mini-cro­chet ani­mals are per­fect, they give pret­ty splash­es of col­or and inter­est to the mats. Love all your designs! Thank you for shar­ing!

  8. Just dis­cov­ered your tuto­ri­als — they are great! You are so inven­tive and whim­si­cal! Thanks for shar­ing!

  9. Vie­len Dank für all diese Anleitun­gen .
    Du bist so kreativ. Ich wün­sche dir alles Gute und noch viele
    super Ideen und viel Spaß

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