I dream about terrariums…

This is the first thing that I’m real­ly excit­ed to write about — a cro­cheted ter­rar­i­um with a nee­dle felt­ed mushroom!

What I thought was real­ly spe­cial about this ter­rar­i­um is that the idea came from a dream. Seri­ous­ly! A cou­ple of weeks ago I had a dream in which I was mak­ing ter­rar­i­ums with a group of women. I don’t think I know who these women were, but we were cro­chet­ing plants and what­not with white and ivory-colour thread to put into glass jars. Some­how I learned that they were ter­rar­i­ums, and they were all lined up on a dark wood table.

Some­how I also learned about the cro­chet pat­tern for the plants from the dream. I guess I cro­chet so much that I even dream about mak­ing up cro­chet pat­terns.…? But any­ways, in the dream I cro­cheted a long strip of fab­ric about 1 inch wide with sin­gle cro­chet stitch­es, while adding short chains and slip stitch­es to cre­ate leaves and twigs on one of the long sides. When the strip is done it is rolled up, stitched togeth­er, and tucked into the jar.

So that’s exact­ly how I made the mossy part of the ter­rar­i­um. Even though the plants in my dream were white I hap­pen to have this moss colour yarn around so I used that instead. I cro­cheted a brown cir­cle and stitched it to the bot­tom of the moss piece. The peb­bles were french knots made with grey chunky yarn.

Then I nee­dle-felt­ed a mush­room. It’s tiny and it’s so cute.

So here we have it, a cro­cheted ter­rar­i­um! A self-sus­tain­ing world that holds the mag­ic of that ran­dom dream of mine.

Thank you for reading!

2 thoughts on “I dream about terrariums…

  1. Dear Gen­uine Mudpie,

    You have an air of light­heart­ed fluffi­ness about you, and also a sense of cre­ativ­i­ty and orig­i­nal­i­ty that can­not eas­i­ly be repro­duced. Keep up the love­ly handiwork.

    Yours Tru­ly,

  2. I love the dream ter­rar­i­um and the whole idea of find­ing what inspires you.

    Can’t wait to read more!



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