Favourite-things Friday

This week’s Favourite-things Fri­day is ded­i­cat­ed to one of my favourite peo­ple on earth — my one and only sis­ter. She’s grad­u­at­ing from uni­ver­si­ty this year, and she loves clouds. So I fig­ure I’d share some pic­tures of clouds to celebrate!

In the past months I have been tak­ing lots of pic­tures of clouds. Our win­dows face west so we get to enjoy mag­nif­i­cent sun­sets every­day, and every­day the sun­set looks dif­fer­ent, and every­day when I stop to admire the sun­set I would think of my sis­ter. She’s also intro­duced me to places like The Cloud Appre­ci­a­tion Soci­ety and Clouds 365 Project. These places are dan­ger­ous because I’d eas­i­ly spend hours look­ing through pic­tures of clouds and not get any house/school work done! But then I’d feel so blessed and inspired after­ward, so it’s well worth the time.

Here are some pic­tures that I have tak­en since Feb­ru­ary. I usu­al­ly take cloud pic­tures behind one of our win­dows (the only one I can stand close to because it does­n’t have fur­ni­ture or my clut­ter of stuff in from of it) so they’re most­ly from the same angle. And on cloud­less days I try to cap­ture the radi­ant colours of the set­ting sun. Enjoy!

And over the years watch­ing clouds has also become one of my favourite things to do. I’d like to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to thank my sis­ter for inspir­ing me to stop and expe­ri­ence the sim­ply joy of cloud-watch­ing. I’d like to thank her for open­ing my eyes to the beau­ty (and the poet­ic qual­i­ty of things!) sur­round­ing us every­day; it brought me heal­ing in times of great tri­als. I know that she will con­tin­ue to inspire many oth­ers with her kind­ness and her abil­i­ty to see and appre­ci­ate the every­day mir­a­cles that are often tak­en for granted.

Have a love­ly weekend!

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