A great start with coddled eggs

Was read­ing a recent issue of Martha Stew­art Liv­ing and saw a recipe that I could actu­al­ly pic­ture myself mak­ing — cod­dled eggs in teacups! Don’t they look cute?

(I was look­ing for the recipe to link on the Martha web­site, but could­n’t find one with these pic­tures of the cute teacups, so I had to take a pho­to of the magazine.)

So I decid­ed to give it a try on Sat­ur­day. I was sur­prised to real­ize that, giv­en the amount of tea we drink, we actu­al­ly don’t have those typ­i­cal short teacups with han­dles. But I guess at the same time I should­n’t be sur­prised, because giv­en the amount of tea we drink, we usu­al­ly pre­fer tea mugs. Any­ways, we don’t have those teacups pic­tured, but we do have those Japan­ese teacups. So, fol­low­ing the recipe, I but­tered the inside of the teacups real­ly well so the eggs won’t stick, and cracked an egg into each.

Then Martha said heat one inch of water in a pot to a “gen­tle boil” and then immerse the teacups into the water…

… and cov­er the teacups with a piece of parch­ment paper before putting on the lid.

Martha also said let it heat for 8–10min, so I fig­ure I’d set the microwave timer to 9min.

… tick, tick, tick, tick, tick…


Turned out per­fect­ly! :D It was more cooked than Martha’s pic­ture but Mike does­n’t like his eggs run­ny so I think it was great, and it was real­ly easy and real­ly quick! I did­n’t have those fresh herbs pic­tured in Martha’s mag­a­zine so I put some salt and pep­per on it. I think I will make this often!

Mike: you know, Martha did­n’t actu­al­ly write those recipes…

Me: what?! She does­n’t? You mean she does­n’t actu­al­ly make this at home?! Then why would she say it’s a “good thing” if she has­n’t tried it her­self? How would she know?

Mike: Sigh…

Have a great start of the week everyone!

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