In progress…

This past week­end, I start­ed anoth­er shirt recon­struc­tion project with one of Mike’s shirts that he no longer wants to wear.

I’ve actu­al­ly done the recon­struc­tion part, now wait­ing to sew on a trim cro­cheted with cot­ton thread. I want to wash the trim in the laun­dry once to see if it shrinks before sewing it on. Will prob­a­bly be able to post the fin­ished prod­uct next week :D

I was also work­ing on a free pat­tern from Lion Brand Yarn called an “Acorn Shrug”, which looks like this:

I real­ly liked the col­lar, and the name of the pat­tern, so I start­ed on it. After work­ing on it for a week I real­ized it’s going to take for­ev­er to fin­ish and it uses up tremen­dous amount of yarn. And it was a bit bor­ing to make, because it’s basi­cal­ly a huge rec­tan­gle made with hun­dreds of thou­sands of sin­gle cro­chet stitch­es. So I decid­ed to unrav­el it. This is an action shot of me unrav­el­ing it.

Yarn nog­gin! As big as my nog­gin and I was only 1/3 through the pat­tern. Imag­ine all the yarn it would take to fin­ish mak­ing it!

So now I decid­ed to make this Copen­hagen jack­et from Nat­u­ral­ly Caron Yarn instead (and unlike Lion Brand Yarn, one does­n’t have to sign up to be a mem­ber to access the free pat­terns. SO! Cro­chet along, any­one? :D).

It has the same col­lar that I like, and prob­a­bly takes up the same amount of yarn, but more of dif­fer­ent stitch pat­terns and there­fore more fun to make. I have a ton of that white yarn any­way, all donat­ed :D

I will be report­ing my progress peri­od­i­cal­ly, stay tuned!

Hope you’re enjoy­ing the sun and warm weather!